Girl Code

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Book: Girl Code by LD Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: LD Davis
Because you’ve been up my ass since I got here. Like you have literally crawled up my ass and nestled yourself there.”
    I made a screwed up face and shuddered at the description. “Why do you have to be so gross? That image is just…ew.” I shuddered again.
    Tack laughed lightly. “Seriously, what’s going on with you?”
    I bit my lip, wondering if I should tell him what Leo told me. He would probably laugh and call Leo a dumbass and promise me that it wasn’t him. He would give some kind of explanation that made perfect sense and then we would all move on. Then again, I didn’t want to throw Leo under the bus, either, just in case Tack got mad, but why would he get mad if it weren’t true? I had talked to Leslie on the phone about it, but she wasn’t sure how or if I should address it. The opportunity was before me and I had to choose.
    “I heard rumors about you,” I said, carefully watching his face.
    Tack grinned. “There are always rumors about me.” He looked down at the small waves crashing into his legs. “What is this one about?”
    I put a hand on the back of my neck, hesitating before answering. I could make something up and let the ridiculous drug accusation go, but I really needed to hear his denial. Donya’s father had died the previous year after a drug overdose and she didn’t even know he was on drugs. She was completely blindsided. Not that I believed it, anyway, but I didn’t want to be blindsided. If—and I mean if —Tack was on drugs, I would want him to get help as soon as possible, because losing him was not an option, not like that. He had always taken care of me—chased away the monsters that hid under my bed, soothed me after nightmares, kissed my skinned knees, and gave me the love and affection that my parents couldn’t or wouldn’t give me. I needed to hear his denial. I needed to know everything would be all right.
    “I heard you were snorting coke,” I said, diving right in. There were no bushes in sight to beat around.
    Tack didn’t freeze or frown or laugh. He didn’t look uneasy or angry in any way and I started to feel relieved. He smiled, but he didn’t look up at me. The water was far more fascinating.
    “Who said that?”
    I tilted my head to the side. I wasn’t expecting that. I was expecting an immediate “That’s bullshit, Tabby. You’re so gullible,” or something like that, but that isn’t what I got. My heart rate sped up just a little.
    “What difference does it make who said it?” I asked. “That doesn’t matter.”
    Tack looked up and glanced over his shoulder. I couldn’t see his eyes under his sunglasses, but I knew he was looking at Leo.
    “This is the part where you tell me it’s not true,” I said, making a hand motion for him to get on with it.
    He finally looked at me. “If you didn’t have your doubts, you wouldn’t be asking me right now.”
    I stared at him. He wasn’t denying it. He wasn’t denying that he snorted cocaine!
    My heart seized in my chest and a lump formed in my throat. It was hot; nearly ninety degrees, but I felt a chill race up my spine.
    “Tack,” I whispered his name, shaking my head.
    “Don’t worry, little sister,” he said, smiling tightly at me. “I’m not addicted or anything. It was just a little bit of fun.”
    “A little bit of fun?” I repeated his words. “Tack, are you crazy?”
    “I did it twice, okay? I don’t have a craving for it or anything. Training starts in August, so I won’t be doing it anymore. I don’t want to fuck up my college football career before it even begins.”
    My thumb was in my mouth again. Tack looked so casual, like he hadn’t just admitted to doing a hardcore drug. I glanced over my shoulder and found Leo watching me carefully, ignoring Emmy pawing over him. I looked away and looked at my brother again.
    “It’s so dangerous, and you know better,” I said to him.
    “You’re worried about nothing,” he replied dismissively.
    “How would you

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