Gilded Lily

Read Online Gilded Lily by Pauline Allan - Free Book Online

Book: Gilded Lily by Pauline Allan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pauline Allan
Tags: BDSM, menage
her head back against the cool lip of the tub. The shelter from the nearby willow gave enough shade to enjoy the sun without burning in its relentless heat.
    The phone rang. Lily leaned over the edge to fish the cell phone from under the pile of clothes in the chair. She watched the numbers scroll across the little screen. The easy cadence of her heartbeat raced as she watched the familiar number flash. She pressed the Talk button. “You called.”
    “Hey, poppet, what are you doing?” Tony’s husky voice reached through the phone and grabbed Lily’s thudding heart.
    “I’m in the outside bathtub.”
    “Do you miss me?”
    She sank back into the cool water. “Yes. Where are you? I thought you were going to have a long day today.”
    “The books are full,” he said. “I was thinking about you and wanted to hear your voice. Renee said you were a very good girl the other day. She also said you made her come too quickly, but not to punish you for it. She’s too lenient with you.” He paused. “You do know that, don’t you?”
    “Yes, I do. But she tasted so good, and her skin…oh Tony, she smelled so good.” Lily shifted in the tub. The little bud nestled in her folds began to throb.
    “Renee told me Nicholas’s brother was coming. Did he make it?”
    “Yes, he’s here. He asked if he could stay for the summer.” Lily waited for Tony’s response. Would he be mad? Think her crazy and irresponsible for letting a total stranger stay on her estate? The silence lingered until the painful thudding in her chest calmed to a dull ache. “Tony?”
    “And what did you tell him?” He paused, and she could hear the shuffling of papers. “Do you want him to stay?”
    Once again he had to multitask his office and her. “I told him he could.” She couldn’t blame him. He was busy, and she took a great deal of his time keeping up with her punishments and rewards. The once-a-week visits had turned into two, maybe three, depending on how she was feeling. Many of those days bled into the night, with him sleeping on the window bench so she could have a restful night’s sleep without the haunting dreams of Keith and being left alone.
    “I want to meet him. Do you feel safe with him there?”
    “Yes, he’s very nice and even…” She swallowed. “He’s, well…he’s…very—”
    “Poppet, just say it.”
    “He’s very handsome.”
    Tony laughed. “Ah, I see. He’s handsome? Handsome enough for you to suck his cock for me?”
    “Yes.” Lily felt the throb again and the embarrassment from answering so quickly.
    “Then let’s play a game. I want you to spread your pussy for me.”
    “Here? Now?”
    “Now, poppet. I want you to slide two fingers into that warm little cunt for me.”
    Lily did as Tony instructed and relished the feeling of the slickness inside her own body. Quickly, her bud peeked out from its hood, screaming to be touched. “Tony, I haven’t come since you touched me.”
    “Good. You’ll come hard for me. Is your clit aching?”
    “Take your finger and massage it. Think of your new guest’s cock stroking it, leaving precum all over your pussy.”
    Lily did as she was instructed, knowing it wasn’t so much the act of pleasing herself that was getting her hot but the sound of Tony’s voice commanding her to do it.
    ADAM PARKED LILY’S car in the circular gravel drive in front of the main house. He thought he’d carry a few groceries through the back lawn and ask Lily if she’d like to join him for dinner. Just because she was Nick’s friend didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy a meal together. Besides, his stomach hurt every time he started filling another empty box with Nick’s things. He needed a break.
    He rounded the side of the enormous house to head for the back porch. The yard was empty. After checking the perimeter near the flower beds, he walked onto the back porch and knocked on the metal edge of the sliding screen door. No answer. He looked at the

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