Ghost in the Flames
wall ringed with a balcony. Volcanic glass covered the walls, smooth and black, and Caina saw her image reflected dozens of times in the dark panels. A pool ran through the center of the room, three statues of nude women standing on pedestals in the rippling waters. Sunlight poured down through an elaborate skylight in the roof, reflecting off the walls and the water. The combined effect was ethereal, both beautiful and disturbing. 
    A fat Saddai man in flame-colored clothes hurried over. “Welcome, noble Countess, welcome to the Inn of Mirrors. I am Sairzan, master of this house, and I am honored that you have chosen to stay beneath my roof in these troubled times.” He bowed, seized her hand, and planted a hasty kiss upon her ring. “All of my rooms are fine, of course, but I shall have my finest rooms prepared for you at once.” He clapped his hands, and servants hurried to her side.
    “Your hospitality does you credit, master innkeeper,” said Caina, “but are not my rooms already prepared?” 
    Sairzan blinked in sudden consternation. “I fear that my simple mind cannot follow the wisdom of your words.”
    “My man Narmer was to meet me here, and to have rooms waiting,” said Caina. “Is he not here?” She looked over the great common room. Any number of tables stood scattered about, along with cushioned alcoves tucked away in the corners. She saw merchants and nobles discussing their business, but no sign of anyone who matched Ark’s description of Narmer.
    “Forgive me, my lady,” said Sairzan, “but I know of no man by that name. Nor have I received word that a Countess of surpassing beauty was coming to grace my house with her presence.”
    “Surely you must have seen him,” said Ark. “A man of Caerish descent, like myself, about your height, weathered from much exposure to the sun. He would commonly wear leather armor and carry a sword.” 
    Sairzan hesitated. “I have seen such a man. He works as a bodyguard for some of the merchants in the dockside. But I fear I have not seen him here for three or four days.”
    Ark’s cold mask turned into a genuine scowl.
    Sairzan swallowed. “My lady, I fear that this rogue Narmer has taken advantage of your generous nature. He took your coin, and then abandoned his duty to you.”
    “So you have not seen him for three days?” said Caina. 
    Sairzan shrugged. “Forgive me, my lady, but this Narmer is a small and insignificant man. Had I but known that he was in service to your radiant personage, I would have kept closer watch over his comings and goings. But, alas, no such news reached my ears.”
    “This is most distressing,” said Caina, wondering what had happened to Narmer. It was not like a Ghost to be late. Some mishap must have befallen him. But what sort of mishap?
    “Ah, Countess, it grieves me to see you so distraught,” said Sairzan. He bowed again over her hand, planting his lips on her ring. “I beg of you, permit me to prepare my finest rooms for you at once, to make up for this Narmer’s faithlessness. Your smile, I am sure, would be more radiant than the sun itself.” 
    Despite herself, Caina laughed. “Your flattery amuses me, shameless though it is. Very well. Have rooms prepared. Also, send some of your servants to unload my baggage. My maids are weary from the journey, and have earned some rest.”
    “My lady is gracious,” said Sairzan. He clapped his hands again, and servants rushed to do his bidding. “Will you take some refreshment while you wait?” 
    “Yes, of course,” said Caina. “Send some food to my maids, as well. Ark, pay him, and then come join me.” 
    Ark handed some coins to the innkeeper. Servants appeared bearing glasses of wine and trays of cheese and fresh fruit. Caina realized that she was ravenous and took the food. A few moments later Ark joined her at the table, his face grim. 
    “Where’s Narmer?” said Caina, voice pitched low.
    “I don’t know,” said Ark. He bit into an apple

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