Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4)
colonies. So will the Juttari. When that happens, political asylum will not save us. Neither will running. If the Juttari have jump technology, the brain chip will always be a threat, no matter where we go.”
    Bast had a good point. The jump system opened up the galaxy. In all likelihood it would only be a matter of time until the Juttari found them. Unless… “Colonel, I think I might have a solution for you.”
    “Yes, Captain?”
    “You remember how I salvaged the Hermes AI?”
    “I remember that you kept it a secret from us for quite some time.”
    Jon smiled. “I can be paranoid. Actually, there is something else that I haven’t told you. The Hermes AI is more than just a typical starship AI. It is actually an extremely sophisticated electronic warfare AI.”
    Bast and Jarvi both stirred in their seats as the realization set in that Jon could have taken over the ship at any time since the moment he boarded.
    “When were you planning to share this critical piece of information, Captain?”
    “I’m sharing it now, aren’t I? Like I said, I can be paranoid. Look at it from my point of view. I needed some insurance in case you all turned hostile. But that is all ancient history now. The point is I think the AI can help you.”
    “We let it hack your brains.”

Chapter 12
    “Have you lost your mind, Captain?” said Bast.
    “Are you trying to control us,” added Jarvi. “Like the Juttari did?”
    “What? No, of course not. If I wanted that, why would I tell you about it? Look, just hear me out. I really think this is a good idea. The AI is capable of replicating itself across the nodes of a network, which is basically what your brain chips are, nodes on a network. I propose you let it infiltrate your network. It could then take measures to defend that network.”
    “How would it do that?” said Bast.
    “I think AI should speak for itself,” said Jon. “AI, have you been listening to our conversation?”
    “Yes, Captain,” said the AI over Jon’s comm.
    “Has your AI been here the whole time?” said Bast.
    “Yes, Colonel, that is correct,” said AI. “As Captain Pike mentioned, I can replicate myself, and I can also compress myself to a very small size. That allows me to attach myself to the Captain’s comm.”
    “I see,” said Bast, shaking his head. “So you’ve been there all along?”
    “Yes, Colonel,” said AI.
    Bast sighed. “Can you do what the Captain suggests?”
    “Yes, Colonel. It is possible. I would need to insert myself into your brain chips first, before I could give you a more definite answer.”
    “Sir, are we really going to let this thing access our brain chips?” said Jarvi.
    “I don’t know what choice we have, Lieutenant. It is either this, or take our chances and hope the Juttari never find us.”
    “How do we know it won’t take control of us once it is inside our implants?”
    “We don’t, but despite all of the Captain’s secrecy, I believe we can trust him. If he wanted to infiltrate our brain chips, I’m sure he would have tried already,” said Bast.
    “What if his AI can’t access our brain chips. We would be giving it permission to hack us. This could be a ruse.”
    “Lieutenant Jarvi,” said AI. “To hack into your brain chips I would only need access to your ship’s systems. You interface directly with your ship, which makes you vulnerable. Once I had access to the ship’s systems, it would not be difficult for me to tunnel into your implants. At worst, it might take time, but I would eventually be able to get in. Captain Pike has security clearance to most of the important ship systems. Were his intentions malicious, you would have already been hacked, and we would not be having this conversation.”
    “I think we can conclude that Captain Pike does not have any nefarious intentions,” said Bast. “Now explain how you would protect us from the Juttari.”
    “Yes, Colonel. The Juttari use a transmission to control your

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