Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1)

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Book: Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1) by Brian Dorsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Dorsey
and preferred answers based on a Forum subcommittee finding of most preferred public responses. At 1300…”
    “Lieutenant, stop talking for just a second,” pleaded Stone as the two walked toward the commons area of the docking station. Stone was sure Hastings would get a laugh out of this. He was convinced Hastings had “assigned” him this hyperactive puppy dog of an aide just to spite him. “It sounds like my schedule is already full; maybe there is enough time for a head call—”
    “Actually, Sir,” replied the fidgety lieutenant, “your—”
    “You’re kidding me, right?” interrupted Stone, ready to run himself through with his own sword.
    “I have your time for the rest of the day, Colonel,” echoed a familiar voice from just around the corner.
    Turning the corner, a smile came to Stone’s face.
    It was Lady Astra Varus.
    She was standing next to her father, flanked on both sides by Senate guards. Stone paused to take in the vision that was the Lady Astra Varus. ‘Definitely pretty baggage,’ he thought to himself.
    Her long blonde hair was immaculately done and cascaded in shimmering waves down to her waist. She wore a black dress that was cut to show enough cleavage to tease, but not flaunt, with a split just above her waist to show her firm, flat stomach. As the dress flowed down her body it again was strategically split to show her outer thighs and then her calves. She was so beautiful he almost forgot the required greetings.
    “Senator Dominotra Varus,” recovered Stone, “I humbly request to embrace your enchanting daughter.”
    “You have my blessings and continued approval, Colonel Tyler Lucius Stone,” replied Varus, his taught, pencil-thin face slightly wrinkled from forming a plastic smile only a politician could make. “We are pleased to see you well and welcome your overdue promotion to Colonel of the Line.”
    Stone hated these shows. Even the social elite never really spoke this way unless they thought someone was watching. As it was a commons area and both Dominotra and Astra were political beings, there was sure to be a media recorder nearby.
    “As always, Senator,” continued Stone. “I am honored by your kindness and patronage.”
    Dominotra replied with a slight nod of his head.
    With that, it was done. At least he could now touch his fiancée.
    As Stone placed his arms around Astra’s thin waist, she pulled him in close. A chill of excitement and surprise washed over his body. This was the first time she had held him in a familiar manner in public. Until this point, when they embraced in public she had draped her arms around his neck briefly and then moved her hand to meet his, always using her left hand to signify she was still legally available.
    She then stood on her toes, bringing her lips to his ear. Before she spoke she let a slow, hot breath flow over his neck, sending chills down his spine. “I have missed you, Colonel,” she whispered, still holding the embrace. “With your promotion, father has been so pleased that he has agreed to allow you to claim your marital rights at your discretion.” She paused again to allow another breath to tickle his neck, moving the sensation to another area of his body.
    Stone mentally paused for a second as he thought about the awkward conversation that would have been between a normal father and daughter, but the feeling of Astra’s body against his soon refocused his attention.
    “Your aide has cleared your schedule for the next several hours at my request. Perhaps you would like to see your new quarters,” Astra said softly in his ear.
    She slowly pulled away and slid her right hand down to his and began to walk along with him.
    “Father, I wish to escort the Colonel to his new quarters and ensure he gets settled,” she said as she lightly squeezed his hand.
    “Very well, Astra. I shall expect you at dinner tomorrow. Perhaps the Colonel’s schedule will allow him to attend.”
    Stone knew it would. Dominotra and

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