Gastien Pt 1

Read Online Gastien Pt 1 by Caddy Rowland - Free Book Online

Book: Gastien Pt 1 by Caddy Rowland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caddy Rowland
from a man. You scared the hell out of me!”
    Their eyes met and they started to laugh. Carefully, Matt placed his hand on Gastien’s shoulder again. “Listen to me. You are a good young man. You are handsome, optimistic, and full of determination. Nothing can stop you unless you let it. You must be careful in the city, and not let people use you. Always remember that good parents show affection to their young. I am proud that you considered me worthy to tell your secret to.”
    Gastien kept his eyes down, but his shoulder did not stiffen. Finally, he asked simply, “Please promise that you won’t tell everyone about the beatings. I don’t want Mother to be shamed. Her life is difficult enough.”
    Matt offered his hand for Gastien to shake. As they shook, he said, “It is a promise. Although I sure do wish someone would give Jean Beauchamp what he deserves for beating you.”
    Gastien smiled. “Don’t worry about that, Matt. I finally gave him something to remember me by, yesterday.”
    Matt looked hopeful. “Did you? What exactly did you do, Gastien Beauchamp?”
    “I think I probably broke his jaw. And then, for my mother, I rearranged his nose. I am sure he will look much different in the future whenever you see him.”
    Matt could not help but grin. “Ha! Gastien, good for you! God forgive me for congratulating a son for hitting his father, but, well….good for you!” And they both laughed.
    After a few minutes, Matt revealed, “By the way, my daughter Rebecca has a major crush on you. She would have been very disappointed had you been homosexual. It will disappoint her even more that you have left. She is only fourteen. Gastien Beauchamp is her first “crush”.
    Gastien looked up in surprise. Cute little Rebecca? She was still a child, but was going to be quite pretty. “Seriously? Me???”
    Matt laughed again. “Don’t look so surprised, Gastien. Boy! Your father really worked on your mind! Don’t you ever look in a mirror? You are going to have your pick of women, Son, unless you end up on the streets too long. Pardon a man saying it, but you are very easy on the eyes. Something tells me that when you are a few years older many women will be hoping to get a chance with you.”
    Gastien excitedly considered that. Shyly, he asked, “Matt, are you joking with me?”
    Matt looked at him and made a face. “Joking with you? I would give my left nut to look like you and have just a week in Paris. You will do quite well in regard to chatte .”
    “Wow!” Gastien murmured. “Perhaps it was only because there was little to pick from in our area,” he said generously.
    “Oh, please. With the size of everyone’s families, there are plenty of males to choose from. And I am quite certain Rebecca is not alone in her mooning over you. I am willing to bet many of the area females think about holding you in their arms, even some that should no longer be having those thoughts!”
    “Wow,” Gastien said again. “Well… merci !”
    “ Merci ? I had nothing to do with it. Thank the man upstairs that he saw fit to give you the looks to take women’s hearts! Just be careful how you use it.”
    “ Oui, but I sure would like to start using it!” laughed Gastien.
    Matt looked at him carefully. “Did your father talk to you about whores and the dangers of disease?” he inquired.
    “He did indeed. He told me about syphilis. He said you get it from whores, and that your pecker gets sores and falls off. Then you die a painful death!” Gastien shuddered. “I should think it would be best to stay away from whores.”
    Matt chuckled. “Well, I don’t know that your “pecker falls off” as you put it, but the rest is true. Just don’t go crazy when you get to Paris, Son. I know, at your age, you are dying to try sex. Stay away from the whores! Oui , you can buy sheaths but all of the pleasure is dulled. Just use your hand, until you are in a position to have someone that has not been used over and over

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