Gasping For Air 2 (Last Chance Romance Series)

Read Online Gasping For Air 2 (Last Chance Romance Series) by Abigail Keam - Free Book Online

Book: Gasping For Air 2 (Last Chance Romance Series) by Abigail Keam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Keam
Tags: Fiction
appearance, the professor asked Masterson if he needed something.
    “I’m looking for a Jeremy Salvador,” replied Masterson, looking at the faces of the students turning around in their seats to stare at him.
    The professor looked at his seating chart and then pointed to a young man slumped down in his seat, jacket collar high around his face. “Jeremy, would you be so kind as to go with this officer into the hallway so as not to distract the class any further?”
    The young man didn’t rise from his seat.
    Frustrated that his class was interrupted, the professor tried again. “Go on, Jeremy. The class needs to continue.”
    Reluctantly the young man rose from his seat to face Masterson.
    The only problem was that the young man wasn’t Jeremy Salvador.

    “L et me get this straight,” snapped Eva. She had just gotten back from her honeymoon and was immediately confronted with a crisis. It put her off kilter. “A kid whom I’ve never met is stalking one of my employees and is interfering with the running of the Pink Flamingo to such a point that I am losing money.”
    Lillian hung her head in shame. “I’m so sorry. I should have told you, but I didn’t realize that Jeremy would take things so far.”
    Masterson butted in. “Most women don’t understand the danger they are in until it’s too late. All stalkers should be taken seriously. Jeremy is mentally unbalanced. Anyone who would fake going to college and then pays someone to take his place so he could continue his rampage of fear is very ill. I have an APB out on him right now.”
    Eva looked at Mike for guidance. “What do we do, babe?” she asked. “I don’t want this around Jenny.”
    “I’ve already packed my bag and am looking for a new place to live,” whispered Lillian.
    “I think that is best for now,” declared Eva. “But . . .” she looked at her husband for guidance.
    Mike, in turn, looked at Masterson. “What do you suggest, Jim?”
    “I agree with Eva that Lillian should live someplace else until this is over. Her being here just brings negative attention to the Pink Flamingo,” advised Masterson.
    Lillian’s heart sank.
    “However, I think I have a plan that might draw Jeremy out and put an end to this nightmare for everyone,” uttered Masterson, looking at Lillian’s crestfallen face.
    “Don’t worry, Eva,” lamented Lillian. “I won’t ask for my job back. I know I have put you in a horrible position.”
    Eva bit her lip in consternation. “When this is over, you can have your job back, but I just can’t put Jenny in the crossfire while this is going on. She is over here too much. This Jeremy could get on the property without our knowing and do something to her.”
    “I agree,” replied Lillian, her heart sinking. “You must protect your family.”
    “But I don’t want to leave you out in the cold either,” revealed Eva. “It’s just that Jenny and the Pink Flamingo are my first priorities.”
    Mike turned to Masterson. “You said you had a plan. What is it?”
    Masterson gave a big grin. “I’m going to lay a trap and use Lillian as bait.”
    Lillian looked around at everyone’s expectant faces and said, “Oh, great. I hope this doesn’t leave me dead in some alley.”
    Masterson looked tenderly at Lillian. “Not on my watch.”
    Mike glanced at Masterson and then looked at Eva with his eyebrows raised. The thought occurred to him that his good friend and football buddy might be going soft on a woman. Mike grinned.
    Must be something in the water.

    “I t’s not much,” offered Masterson. “Eva and Mike bought the building a few months ago and haven’t had time to do any remodeling.”
    Lillian looked around the outdated and dirty apartment. “Beggars can’t be choosy. Is anybody else living in the building?”
    “There are four units, but no one else should be on the property unless it is Mike or his man, Juan. Only the four of us have keys.”
    “Four of us?”
    “Yes, I’m

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