
Read Online Garrett by Sawyer Bennett - Free Book Online

Book: Garrett by Sawyer Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sawyer Bennett
Tags: Romance, Adult
and could stretch our food dollars. Dad would tell us all about his day at work at a plant that manufactured small car parts, and my siblings and I would talk about our day at school. We didn’t have a lot, but it never seemed to matter.
    “We’re here,” I say hesitantly with my hand on the door handle, completely unsure of where we stand.
    “We’re here,” she agrees quietly.
    I get out of the car and walk to her side to open the door. She sticks a long, bare leg out and I swallow hard. Images of me dragging my tongue up her smooth skin assault me and I shake my head. Offering her my hand, she takes it and steps out. I close the door and we walk up the stairs to her apartment.
    She releases her hold on me briefly to reach into her purse for her key. Once she unlocks the door and pushes it open, she turns to me and asks, “Want to come in for a cup of coffee or something?”
    To my surprise, I say, “I probably should go. I have that early prac—”
    Olivia launches herself at me, both of her hands coming to my face. She rises on her tiptoes at the same time she pulls me down toward her. Her lips meet mine in a fiery clash, and my own hands come up to frame her face.
    The kiss is like lightning, lighting me up from within, and my entire body goes tight with need for this woman. I push her backward, walking her into her apartment, our hands only gripping onto each other more desperately. When we clear the door frame, I kick the door shut with my foot and spin her around, pushing her back into the door. Back to where our first kiss started.
    Pulling my mouth away from hers, I tilt my head and skim my lips across her jaw and then down to her neck. She shudders, and I groan at her response.
    So fucking hot.
    Releasing her face, I take her hands in mine and raise them above her head, pinning them against the door with one hand. I move back to her mouth and kiss her again deeply while I press my body into hers, pushing her all the way back against the door. Olivia tilts her pelvis, melding it against me, and my cock spasms in appreciation over the touch.
    She’s so soft…so responsive, and my blood roars through my body in desperate need to have more. I can’t ever remember wanting something as much as I want her underneath me…writhing, squirming…begging. It’s like every other desire or want in my life fades away, and all I see and feel is her here before me. So willing right this very minute…so ripe for the taking. Then it will be done…finished. She’ll be forgotten like the rest.
    That thought causes a viselike pain to pulse in my chest, and I rip myself back from her. Her arms slide down the door as she watches me with fevered eyes and swollen lips, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
    “What’s wrong?” she asks, her voice low and raspy.
    My eyes quickly rake down her body…so fucking beautiful and so fucking ready for me right now. The tight buds of her nipples poking hard through her T-shirt, just as my erection hammers at my zipper to get free.
    Scrubbing my hand through my hair, it pains me to say, “Maybe we should wait. You know…until like the third or fourth date. Or even the second,” I finish off lamely.
    “Wait?” she asks quietly. “But I thought you…”
    Her words trail off and her gaze drops to the floor in confusion.
    I step back up to her, and with a finger under her chin, I raise her eyes back to me. “Thought I wanted to fuck you? I do, Olivia…more than anything. But you were also clear yesterday…no sex. I just don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.”
    “Regret,” she says with a humorless laugh. “It’s funny you should say that.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “Because I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately. And I sort of figured out I didn’t want to live my life with any regrets haunting me.” Her voice is melancholy and it scrapes at me hard for some reason. Puts me on the defensive.
    “I don’t want you to regret it if we fuck tonight,” I

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