Games of Desire

Read Online Games of Desire by Patti O'Shea - Free Book Online

Book: Games of Desire by Patti O'Shea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patti O'Shea
enjoying herself as much as he was and he always made her come.
    Another realization hit her. She might have been hugely aroused last night, but she’d noticed how he’d made sure she was okay with the games they’d played. It was his care and consideration that had allowed her to let go and follow his orders. Chloe never would have given up control to a man who wasn’t trustworthy and unselfish.
    Blinking, she brought him back into focus. Marax watched her, probably seeing more than she wanted him to see. There was intensity in his gorgeous blue eyes, but there was compassion there, too, and patience. He continued to take care of her.
    “My dad,” Chloe said softly, “died when I was a baby, but not before he walked out on my mom. He told her he didn’t want the responsibilities of being a husband and father, that he felt strangled by the demands she put on him.”
    “And human men never walk out on their families?” Marax asked. “Human men never decide they’re not ready to be tied down? Is that what you’re saying?”
    Chloe found herself gaping at Marax again. He was right; humans abandoned their families, too. It was her mother who’d equated that with her father being a demon, but what if that wasn’t true? He might have been just as careless and irresponsible if he were 100 percent human. Walking out on his wife and daughter was a personality failing, not genetics.
    It shook her to the core. She’d always believed— Unwelcome tears filled her eyes and Chloe blinked hard. “Damn you, Marax,” she said softly, voice thick.
    He swayed gently, using the motion to soothe her. “You already knew this, you simply didn’t want to look at it, but it’s going to be all right. You might feel unsettled now, but when you’re grounded again, it’ll be on a stronger foundation and in the meantime, use me as your anchor. I’ll keep you safe, always.”
    Reaching up, Chloe stroked his bearded cheek with the backs of her fingers, then leaned forward to kiss him. She could trust this man and would be able to trust him for her entire life. Not because he was her mate, although she knew he was right about that, but because of who Marax was—a responsible, conscientious adult who cared about others.
    Reluctantly, she eased back until she could see his face. “Do we have time to make love?” she asked.
    “Maybe if we don’t spend hours, we can—”
    Her cell phone rang. She ignored it, but Marax didn’t. He walked over to the dresser, picked it up, and looked at caller ID. “It’s your sister,” he said, holding out the phone.

Chapter Nine
    Marax glanced across the rental car to Chloe. Dusk was deepening into night, but with his demon vision, he could see her clearly. Her expression was pensive and she’d been quiet since they’d left the hotel to meet her sister. He reached over and squeezed her thigh, reminding her that he was here if she needed him. She put her hand over his, but didn’t say anything.
    After a few more minutes of silence, he asked, “Are you okay?”
    “Yeah, just thinking about a few things.”
    “Like Olivia?”
    Her hand tightened on his, but that was her only response. He let the silence lengthen. Marax had only heard Chloe’s side of the conversation, but it had been enough to make him dislike Olivia. He wasn’t stupid enough to tell her that, though, even if Chloe had been mad enough to spit fire after she’d ended the call. One comment about her sister and she’d unleash her temper on him, the only target handy. But her sadness got to him and he’d rather see some heat from her.
    Trying another gambit, Marax asked, “Is the Magic Hat some wizard hangout?”
    “No. It’s a club for human magicians. Olivia’s always been fascinated by how they do their tricks. She’s familiar with the place and probably felt comfortable setting up a meeting there.”
    The edge was back in Chloe’s voice and Marax gave her leg another squeeze. The light ahead turned yellow and he

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