Gamers' Challenge

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Book: Gamers' Challenge by George Ivanoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: George Ivanoff
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front of Tee. ‘We need ta distract
    ‘em. Keeps ‘em away from Zyra.’
    ‘Well,’ said Tee. ‘There may be a way. Professor Palimpsest has been working on a little something that might help.’
    ‘Somethin’ else ya haven’t told us about?’ growled
    Tark. ‘Maybe Zyra wuz rights not ta trust ya?’
    ‘Oh, Tark.’ There was a sadness in Tee’s eyes.
    ‘How can you not trust me? I’m the closest thing you have to family. In a way, I am you.’
    ‘Ya is not me!’ Tarkjabbed a finger at Tee’s chest.
    ‘I is not ya. Ya is ya. And I is me.’ Tark lowered his hand. ‘Ya said it before - I is not a copy of ya no more.’
    Tee stared back silently.
    ‘Zyra didn’t trusts ya,’ Tark continued. ‘But I has no choice. Ya is me only link ta her. Ya is me only chance ta keeps her safe. So comes on, let’s see wot yar professor’s been workin’ on.’
    Tark walked off. nd it’s betta be good,’ he muttered under his breath.

12: Now What?  
    ‘Keeps yaself close behinds me,’ said Zyra.
    ‘Oh, you’re not going to start that again,’ said
    Hope. Just because we’re no longer in Suburbia does not mean you have to start talking like an idiotagam0 .’
    Zyra grunted and pushed forward.
    ‘What is this place, anyway?’ Hope struggled through thick undergrowth, branches catching at her clothes, scratching her hands and face.
    ‘The only otha place we has eva-’ Zyra stopped herself and tried again. ‘The only other game environment Tark and I ever visited.’
    ‘Quite a contrast to Suburbia,’ said Hope.
    ‘Yep,’ Zyra agreed. ‘That’s why we never came back to this place. That’s why we just stuck to Suburbia.’
    ‘So you don’t like jungles?’
    ‘It’s not that.’ The jungle thinned, taking less effort to move through. ‘It’s just that Suburbia was safe.’
    ‘And this place isn’t?’ asked Hope, as she followed
    Zyra out into a clearing.
    ‘Not if you’re playing the game.’ Now that they were out in the open, Zyra pointed up towards the treetops in the distance. Hope’s eyes widened as she saw the gigantic creature.
    ‘That’s a Tyrannosaurus Rex,’ said Zyra. ‘T-Rexfor short. We studied them at school in Suburbia. One of the most dangerous dinosaurs.’
    A herd of smaller creatures came running out ofthe jungle to their left. They were about half Zyra’s height, with green scaly skin and a sparse covering of orange feathers across their backs. They stopped in the clearing, sniffing the air and looking around. The T-Rex let out an ear-splitting roar. The new arrivals took off, making panicked yelping cries, heading for Zyra and Hope. They split into two groups and ran to either side of the girls, disappearing into the jungle behind them.
    The T-Rex charged. The ground shook with every step it took. Zyra and Hope ducked for cover, even though they knew it could not see them. The massive dinosaur crashed through the jungle, flattening trees as it went. It burst into the clearing. With another roar, it continued its pursuit. Hope screamed as the creature’s foot thundered down within arm’s length of her. And then it was gone. Zyra and Hope peered out from their hiding places and staggered into the clearing. They collapsed onto the grass.
    ‘Okay,’ panted Hope. ‘I can see why you didn’t want to come back here.’
    There was another roar, more distant this time, and they looked up to see the dinosaur’s head rear up above the jungle canopy as it devoured one of the smaller creatures. And then it was gone again.
    ‘I is so glad -’ Zyra closed her eyes momentarily. ‘I am so glad I’m not a gamer anymore.’
    ‘I’m glad I never was,’ said Hope.
    The girls lay on the grass for a minute longer, calming themselves. Finally, Zyra sat up and lifted her sleeve to check her patch. ‘I think this thing is empty.’
    Hope checked her own patch. ‘Mine too.’
    ‘How long to do you think we have?’ asked Zyra.
    ‘Before the VIs find us again?’

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