Gambling with Gabriella (Menage MfM Romance Novel) (Playing For Love Book 2)

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Book: Gambling with Gabriella (Menage MfM Romance Novel) (Playing For Love Book 2) by Tara Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Crescent
you a liar,” she rushes to reassure me, as if that is what’s important in this moment. “I think your brain is scrambled by sex, that’s all. I mean, I’m the woman you had a threesome with. Unless you do that on a day-to-day basis, of course you are going to remember me.”
    “Nope.” I keep my eyes on the road, but I’m sure she’s scowling right now. “That’s not what this is about. That night wasn’t my first threesome. What I felt, I felt for you . I’ve had enough sex in my life that I can tell when it’s more.”
    She opens her mouth to argue, then she shuts it. We drive in silence till we pull into the Motel 6 parking lot.
    T raffic’s lighter on the way back. “It’s my turn for the inquisition,” I tease her. “Tell me about yourself.”
    She laughs. “The dreaded open-ended question,” she mocks gently. “What do you want to know about me?”
    “Everything,” I reply honestly. “Tell me where you grew up. Do you get along with your parents? What do you do for work? What do you do for fun?”
    “Whoa there,” she holds up her hands, but she’s still grinning. “That’s a boatload of questions. I grew up in London. My dad played for Arsenal for a few years. My mom was the coach’s daughter.”
    “What do you do for work?”
    “I’m a PR rep,” she answers. “I represent Brazilian and Portuguese soccer players. My firm finds them endorsement deals in North America, and I work with them because I speak both soccer and Portuguese.”
    I grin. She’s funny. “Did you move to New York for work?”
    She nods. “In London, everyone only knew me as my father’s daughter. I just wanted to make it on my own.”
    That sentiment, I can understand. It also explains why she hasn’t asked her parents for money to pay off Sammy. Gabby’s got an independent streak. I like it. “And for fun?”
    She rolls her eyes at my questioning. “You already know about the poker,” she answers. “Apart from that, not much really. I have a set of friends I hang out with every week.” A fond expression fills her face. “They’re a great group of women. What else do you want to know?”
    “Do you get along with your parents?”
    “Absolutely,” she says instantly. “My parents are great. Well, they’re great, except for the fact that they think I should get married and give them grandbabies.”
    “Don’t you want to get married?”
    She shrugs, and she wraps her arms around herself again. “I don’t have the best history with men,” she replies finally. “Love, relationships, romance, marriage - these things aren’t exactly a priority anymore.”
    I’m often accused of being direct. You have the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, Chloe used to complain. It’s a reputation I come by honestly. “Will your parents object to you dating two guys?” I ask bluntly. I want Gabby. I don’t want this to become a problem.
    She gives me a startled look, her eyes wide in her face. “Dominic,” she mutters, “I think we are getting ahead of ourselves.”
    “No.” We’ve tiptoed around the issue long enough. “If you don’t want to date us, Gabby, all you have to do is say so, and we’ll both back off. But if this is because of your bullshit theory about your effect on men, then we are going to prove you wrong. We aren’t going to cheat on you, and you can trust us with your life. Whatever it takes to show you that, I’m in.”
    “What are you doing, Dominic?” The skirt of her green dress is bunched up in her fist, and she eyes the fabric as if it holds the secrets of the universe in their threads. “You don’t know anything about me.”
    “I know how to trust my instincts,” I respond, my voice hard. “Do you?”
    She doesn’t reply.

    W hen Carter shows up after lunch, his face is bleak. “No luck?” Dominic asks, his voice rich with concern.
    Carter shakes his head. “None at all,” he exhales. He paces to and fro in the living area of the suite that

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