
Read Online GalaxyZombicus by Piper Leigh - Free Book Online

Book: GalaxyZombicus by Piper Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Piper Leigh
I’d had in the last little while, an extended stay
in the Rodan quadrant didn’t sound so bad.
    I pulled him down on the bed beside me and kissed him with
everything in me. He murmured something that sounded infinitely sexy in his own
language. I didn’t understand the words, but his fervent tone got the message
across clearly enough. We got up long enough to strip off our borrowed uniforms
and toss them in the sanitary before reclaiming the bed.
    I gazed into his eyes, seeing my own desire mirrored there.
He gave me a smile full of promise then swiftly claimed the top, pinning me
against the soft blankets.
    We didn’t need to worry about how much noise we made here.
Anyone listening would blame the racket on the unit’s rightful owner. Benson
grasped my wrists, holding them above my head. I retaliated by hooking my legs
around the backs of his knees and drawing him closer. I wanted him inside me
now. But Benson seemed determined to torture me by taking his time.
    His hot mouth teased the sensitive skin beneath my ear,
setting off landmines of pleasure all down my spine. I bucked, encouraging him
to begin more energetic activity, but those little kisses continued down over
my collarbone until they reached my breast.
    I gasped as his lips closed around the tip of one hard peak.
The feel of his hot mouth on my sensitive skin made my body move of its own
accord. I rocked against him, rubbing the hard length of his cock against my
clit. He moaned softly, his warm breath gusting over my breast.
    I unlaced my legs and planted my heels against the bed so I
could move him into the position I wanted. His lips left my breast and he
raised his head. The hungry look in his eyes was all I needed to see. I angled
my hips and took the tip of his hard cock inside.
    With one sure stroke, he entered me. He released my hands,
giving me the freedom to grasp his butt and pull him deeper still. He filled me
completely. The sensation of his cock, so hard and deep, nearly took my breath
    He gave me no time to recover before leisurely pulling out
as far as my hands would let him then thrusting fully inside me again. That
tantalizingly slow push and pull drove me crazy, and it went on seemingly
forever, until every muscle in my body tensed, ready for the orgasm to come.
Benson obliged by quickening his pace. Faster, harder. His rhythm becoming
sloppy. He’d begun this game in control, now he was the one coming undone.
    His mouth crushed mine and our tongues tangled together,
mirroring what our bodies were doing. He moved even faster and I arched my hips
to meet every thrust. What we’d done in the facility had been tame compared to
this. We’d worried that every sound, every movement might be witnessed. Now we
were free.
    At that thought, my body tightened, squeezing him. Benson
groaned a strangled oath. Someday I had to ask him what all those mysterious
words meant. At the moment I didn’t care as I became lost in the pleasure
sweeping me away. Benson thrust into me one last time. He whispered my name as
he came.
    He stared at me, eyes glazed with passion. “Janeece,” he
said again with the same reverence.
    I smiled. “Wow, that was…that was…”
    “Intense?” he supplied.
    I nodded. “Guess we were kind of holding back in the
    He withdrew and rolled to his back, tucking me close beside
him. “Guess we were.”
    “So what now?”
    He kissed me on the forehead and pulled away. Getting up
naked, he crossed the room to look in Lanny’s pantry. An array of pre-packaged
meals in vacuum-sealed containers lined the shelves. Most people stocked up on
that kind of food these days. You never knew when you were going to get locked
down and not be able to shop for days. The stores were never sure when they’d
get the next shipment.
    “Now,” Benson said, “I’ll make you a gourmet meal of…” He
pulled a container from the shelf. “Mocorran bean soup.”
    My stomach growled obligingly. “Sounds good.”

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