Gage (Contract Killers Book 1)

Read Online Gage (Contract Killers Book 1) by Jenika Snow - Free Book Online

Book: Gage (Contract Killers Book 1) by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
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had killed him, or even worse, kept him for experimenting on.
    That thought alone was enough to make her stumble, but then she remembered the fierce look in his eyes when he’d told her to leave. She ran harder, faster, looking for an opening that would allow her to escape. The front of the gate was made of chain link, the same as the rest of the fence, but it didn’t have the barbwire lining the top of it. It also didn’t look like there were any openings in the dilapidated fencing, not that she could see anyway.
    Neeka made a beeline for it, deciding she would climb it, even though it wasn’t in the best location since it was out in the open and obviously visible. She didn’t stop to see if guards were following her, but the sound of gunshots rang out, loud and distinct. Tripping, Neeka caught the fence before she face-planted in the dirt.
    She started to climb, looking over her shoulder when she heard a man shout for her to stop. A guard ran toward her, gun trained high. Her heart beat fast, her palms starting to get sweaty at the thought of getting caught again. He grabbed her ankle, pulling down so she stumbled, her leg scraping against the lock on the fence and tearing her skin open. She cried out and gripped the fence harder, kicking at him with her other leg and slamming her foot into his jaw. He cursed and tightened his hold on her ankle.
    Her hands gave out, and she fell backward, flailing her arms as she hit the ground hard. The breath left her in a whoosh , stars dancing in her vision as she groaned. The guard stared at her before slapping her across the face, not very hard, but hard enough that it snapped her out of her haze.
    “You cause a lot of trouble, bitch.”
    He brought his gun up and laid it on her knee, not a killing shot, but one meant to incapacitate her. She kicked her legs out, swinging her arms and running her nails down his face. He growled down at her, blood forming in deep lines across his cheeks as he pressed the gun down harder into her knee, stilling her movements. She had a feeling he was toying with her. Neeka pushed at his chest, able to lift him slightly up and praying for a miracle.
    In the next instant, a gunshot rang close by. The heavy weight of the guard was suddenly lifted from her and air rushed into her lungs. She opened her eyes, turning her head and seeing two combat boots take up her vision. She looked up and saw Gage’s hand outstretched, his face covered in blood so dark it looked black. She slipped her hand in his and let him haul her up. The guard that had attacked lay supine in the dirt, a single bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. His eyes stared vacantly up into the night sky, unblinking, as dark blood spread out behind his head.
    “Come on. We don’t have much time before they are out here.” He positioned her behind his body as he aimed his gun at the lock on the fence and shot. Sparks flew and the lock fell off, the gates opening like arms waiting for an embrace.
    They took off, Gage pulling her forward, her legs and feet screaming in agony as she continued to feel her warm blood slip down from the cut on her leg and cover her foot. Her eyes started to water, her emotions and the pain finally catching up with her.
    She could hear shouts, but they moved faster, and soon the sounds grew more distant. Neeka never glanced back, just kept her eyes trained on the terrain. The moon was bright enough that they could see where they were going, but her feet were killing her and she started to stumble. He didn’t ask what was wrong, just stopped and scooped her up, running forward again as if he weren’t carrying a substantial weight.
    She felt as if they’d been moving forever. Never once did they speak to each other, and never once did he stop running. She saw a dark shape up ahead, and her heart pounded wildly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he turned to look at her. Their gazes held for a second before he turned his attention forward again. She

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