in law and her
penchant for the eccentric.
"If you two are done sucking face, there is a little matter of lunch to be
discussed seeing as how I never got to finish my breakfast because Wyatt Earp
out there lost her damn mind. I still have friends down at the station you
know, all it would take is one phone call to have you up on charges of abuse
and neglect and after all my years of hard work taking care of that
Of course the coward said all of this from behind the safety of his door.
Samantha, who I'd just calmed down with kisses was spitting mad again and
looking around for something, Lord knows what and I didn't want to find out.
So I started all over again, only this time I upped the ante a little, by ever
so gently letting my finger graze her breast. She almost swallowed my tongue as
she purred and rubbed herself against me. I guess she liked it. Good times.
Chapter 21
My mom was chomping at the bit to get her hands on my girl, I'd given
her a brief preview of what was coming her way and she'd laughed her ass off.
She'd even talked to the chief for a little bit, at which time he proceeded to
lie his ass off, according to him Sam and I were termagants who spent all our
time making his life a living hell, how I got included in the equation was
anybody's guess.
She promised to make it up to him when I took them home in a few days.
She wanted to have a little party to welcome them but I begged her to hold off
on that, I needed to give my girl a few days to settle in before releasing her
among Virginia’s elite, not because I was embarrassed by her, but because I had
no doubt she would have even less tolerance for their bullshit than I did. I
figured giving her a few days to get use to her new surroundings would be the
best way to go.
"You plan on turning Miss. Priss loose in polite society?
Good luck with that."
"Shut it chief."
"Don't say I didn't warn you, your family own any firearms son?"
"Yes why?" He gave me the 'you're being an ass' look.
"Any blondes liable to be hanging on to you, any Mrs. Sweeney hopefuls
back in the big city?"
"Not that I know of."
"You better be sure because if I know my little cherry blossom there'll be
hell to pay. From what I can tell the little woman has decided to lay claim to
you, what with all the kissing and carrying on going on around here
lately." He turned up his face.
"One thing I know for sure, she sure as spit don't share worth shit,
almost took poor Phil's eyes out when she was three for taking piece of her
Halloween candy. You got your hands full with that one let me tell you, but
remember this sale is final, no returns no exchanges. I do feel sorry for your
poor mama though, she sounds like a beautiful woman, too bad she's about to
meet Cerberus." He shook his head like that shit was funny.
"I'm telling her you called her a three headed dog from hell."
"You would." He rolled his eyes at me.
We heard Sam and Prince Charles returning from their walk, she's
been in a much nicer mood the last couple days after I'd convinced her to ease
up on her father and I've been bribing her with kisses. He was once again
allowed grown up food, but knowing his penchant for getting her riled who knew
how long that would last.
"Hey guys, let me go wash up and I'll start lunch." She placed the
dog in the chief's lap with a mischievous smile.
He wanted to say something, I could see him biting his lip to keep it all
inside, he actually made it until she left the room, I was so proud.
"What the hell is this thing supposed to be anyway? If you were going to
get a dog couldn't you get a more masculine dog? All this thing is good for is
eating and yipping it's damn fool head off."
"It's Sam's dog , she didn't want a masculine
"You're such a wuss."
"Whatever, at least I get to eat like a grown up."
"Sell out, you need to turn in your man card, she's got you stupid, what's
next, you gonna play tea party with her and the mutt?"
"If that's what she wants."
"What...? You...? What
Philippa Gregory
Lidija Dimkovska
Lacey Alexander
Jonathan Davison
Laura Joh Rowland
E. L. James
Mary Campisi
Margaret Pemberton
Leigh Ellwood
Gregg Olsen