Future Winds

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Book: Future Winds by Kevin Laymon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Laymon
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he realized that one of many talents and languages the overlords spoke was that of a cave whisker.
    How was I supposed to know that thing was an overlord? he thought, I have never seen one before. He tried to justify it in his own head before it could be brought up in the conversation.
    “Do you know what it is you caught today, young hunter?” the overlord questioned.
    “It is ok, my child. You did not do anything wrong ,” Lady Kai comforted, sensing his sudden overwhelming emotion of fear.
    “I did not know until after it was processed,” Kio-Kai admitted.
    The creature painfully raised its head up and down in understanding.
    Kio-Kai just went ahead and said it, “It was an overlord.”
    “No, it was a woman,” Naberius corrected, “From the species of man or, more commonly, they refer to themselves as human beings,”
    Naberius’s demeanor coupled with his voice was hypnotizing, thoroughly capturing the attention of Kio-Kai and Lai-Kai in an unbroken level of obedient attention.
    “But today at the arena, the man we saw?” Kio-Kai disputed.
    “Was a daemon, one of my many followers. They hold various seats of power within your empire to ensure stability and peace within. They look similar to the humans but are very different. They are loyal to our collective cause and prideful natives to our land.”
    “Are you an overlord?” Lai-Kai questioned.
    The beast’s face twisted and turned. “I have been called that before, among various other things, but I very much prefer Naberius-- that is after all what my father calls me. Now boy, the reason I summoned you two down here is that there are more of the humans, like the one you saw today. Many more. They landed only a short distance off from where you discovered the girl. These aliens that landed on our sacred planet are a very dangerous and a very real threat. Did you know they killed the grinder that processed that girl for you?”
    Kio-Kai was quickly overwhelmed with guilt. They must have followed me to the cave , he concluded.
    “I thought it appropriate to ask that you two be the blades of vengeance for your slain brethren in this matter. The humans made landfall on the outskirts of an entrapment field, so taking them by surprise should be easy. Take two hundred hunters and four dozen grinders, catch the humans off guard, shake them up a bit and bring me their finest warrior.”
    Kio-Kai looked over to his queen as if silently asking her if this was what she wanted. She gave him a nod of approval.
    “If my queen desires as such, then I submit myself to you,” Kio-Kai said as he kneeled to Naberius. “It will be done,”
    Lai-Kai silently followed in the symbolic gesture.
    Kio-Kai and Lai-Kai rose to their feet and took leave to carry out the overlord’s commands.

Chapter 5
Play Date
    A short, round man waddled into the entrance of block sixty-five calling attention to its inhabitants. “Alright people, we have spent weeks learning our roles and so, by now, should all have a pretty good grasp on what that is and how to do it. If anyone has questions, they can ask me at any time. Please line up in an orderly fashion and follow me. We will be getting right to work.”
    The room filled quickly with conversation, speculation, and excitement for the tasks ahead as the workers, mostly young men and women, lined up to the door.
    “Looks like we are jumping right in,” Ness pointed out to his little brother. “We just landed less than an hour ago.”
    “That’s ok. I have been dying to get out of this stuffy, stinky room anyway,” the smaller boy replied. He put on his backpack as if preparing for the first day of school in a new town.
    Everyone in the unit was assigned a ‘day one’ backpack, which was a small black sack that contained a shovel, a wash cloth, a canteen of water, and three stimpacks.
    Stimpacks were injections that substituted the need to

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