Full Throttle

Read Online Full Throttle by Kerrianne Coombes - Free Book Online

Book: Full Throttle by Kerrianne Coombes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerrianne Coombes
She began fussing again and Sammy nodded.
    Why had Rachel glared at the door? Was Josh out
    “Did anyone come to the hospital with me?” Her mind
was so fuzzy and stuffed with cotton wool, Sammy couldn’t remember much after
the moment her bike hit. Other than gruff shouts and flashes of Josh’s dark
eyes full of fear and temper, Sammy was drawing blanks.
    “That Josh bloke came in the ambulance, and hasn’t
stopped stalking outside your room since.” She said with another dark look at
the room door.
    Even though Sammy was heavily sedated, her head hurt
and her leg was in agony, she couldn’t deny the wash of happiness that fired
through her veins at the thought of Josh pacing up and down outside her room.
The idea was enchanting, and completely impossible at
the same time.
    “He’s here?” she asked, intrigued by the notion,
even as it seemed her whole body pulsed in pain.
    Rachel nodded and plumped Sammy’s pillow for the
thousandth time, this time she did it with sharp, jerky, very un-gentle
movements that had Sammy stifling a cringe of pain. “And he shows no sign of
going home. Even though I have told him to ‘eff off many
    Oh no.She
    She would. The moment Sammy’s father died, Rachel
had taken on the role of “Sammy protector and defender extraordinaire” and took
it very seriously. Sammy liked being cared for, but Rachel sometimes took it a
little too far, like now. She clearly was bristled by Josh and his presence at
the hospital, so the caring had turned into aggression.
    Rachel grabbed the jug of water and filled a glass.
She held it out for Sammy, and Sammy shook her head, wincing in pain as soon as
she did.
    “Bloody thick-headed, leather-wearing
biker.” Rachel growled and Sammy almost smiled.
    “He is, isn’t he?” If she’d been well, she would
have purred. Rachel made it sound bad—dirty—but Sammy found the description sexy.
    Rachel’s eyes flared wide. “You like him? Even after last night?” She looked at the door and then
moved closer to Sammy. “I get that he is a little bit attractive, but he was
rude to you.” Rachel gave Sammy a look that said I dare you to argue that.
    Sammy closed her eyes against the sudden sting of
shame as it flared inside her mind. Thanks to the reminder of her stupid
shyness, her stomach rolled and this time she couldn’t blame it on the bike accident.
    “It was my fault it didn’t happen with him, not
his,” she said in a weary tone, wishing she didn’t have to relive that
embarrassment on top of her aching injuries.
    “But, he was the one who came on strong, stronger
than you are used to. I still blame him.”
than I am used to? Yes,
but that wasn’t a negative in Sammy’s eyes. To be strong and clearly confident
was a big plus compared to the timid, weak men she’d had the misery of sleeping
with before. Rachel wouldn’t understand. Her friend didn’t look at bikers and
big, bulky, tattooed men and think phwoar, like she did. Like
she always had. Rachel liked the pampered Hollywood men, with styled
hair and business suits. Nothing like Josh.
    “Just bloody lucky he had the brains to ring me. I
suppose that’s one plus for him.” Rachel continued ranting as she rearranged
flowers in a vase. Her voice trickled off, forgotten, as Sammy’s fuzzy brain
began to fog over once again. He rang
Rachel? How? When? That was thoughtful. Tiredness swept over her like a low
hanging mist. Her eyes slid shut of their own accord and Sammy tried to swallow
a yawn.
    “Right, I have to go home to the kids, but I will
call later, ok?”
    Sammy nodded, the soft pillows crinkled under her
ear, but she didn’t open her eyes. Sleep,
I need sleep. Sammy felt a soft kiss on her head and she smiled a little. It
was good to have a friend like Rachel.
    “I’ll be back tomorrow. Ok?”
    Sammy tried to say ‘ok’ but the yawn escaped when she
opened her mouth. And then when Rachel pulled the covers over her again,

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