Full Throttle (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Read Online Full Throttle (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Sophia Hampton - Free Book Online

Book: Full Throttle (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Sophia Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Hampton
his watch, he realized that it was already six in the evening. Would she be home? Or did she step out?
    Her phone was still switched off or, perhaps, she never got a new one. There was only one way to meet her, and that was to go see her in that mansion. If she called the police on him, he would be stuck. Not that he had a choice.
    After hailing a cab, he went straight to her house, or rather to the mansion that belonged to her new lover.
    She didn’t take too long to replace him. The hurt would never leave him. Still, she was the one he loved, and he would do anything to save her, even if it meant that he had to put his life on the line.
    That’s exactly what he was doing, but he didn’t care. He was reckless, strong, and nothing could stop him from protecting the woman he gave his heart to. Riley rang the bell on her mansion after he was dropped off in front of it.  Shit! He wished that he’d taken the time to shower and change. He looked like a mess. Roughly, he ran his hands through his hair and, much to his surprise, the gate swung open.
    He glanced into the camera that was mounted on top. So she knew that he was here. Good. He didn’t intend to waste any time. After he walked in, it took him a few moments to get over the staggering beauty of the estate. The magnificent garden that surrounded the house was stunning. The profusion of color, the scent of them, was heady.
    But much more mesmerizing was the woman who opened the door and walked out to greet him. Dressed in the same mint green dress he’d seen her in earlier, she looked beautiful. Nothing about her had changed, and yet everything was different. Once, she would’ve ran into his arms and, perhaps, he might’ve twirled her around, but now she was right in front and still a world apart.
    Pain echoed in his heart but he ignored it. She wasn’t his anymore.
    She came to a stop a few feet away. “Hi.”
    “Hello.” What the hell did one do in such a situation? Riley shifted on his feet. “Beautiful house.”
    “Yeah, it is.” She cast a glance at the garden. “Why don’t you come in? I saw you from the camera.”
    “Yeah, the state of the art security is impressive.”
    “Jason needs it and, frankly, I am happy to live here for now. At least no one can get in, and that gives me a lot of peace.”
    They walked into the house and, as expected, he was impressed by the sheer opulence of the place. If he could’ve given her all this, would she have waited for him? Riley was aghast at his own thoughts. She wasn’t the sort of woman who went for a guy just because he was rich. He had his chance and he blew it. She was with someone else now, and that guy, no matter how much Riley hated him, probably deserved her.
    She led him into a living room and he sat on the couch. “Coffee?”
    She went into the kitchen and came back a while later. “It’s coming.”
    He laughed. “This guy’s got a housekeeper.”
    She met his gaze and smiled. “And two part-time maids, a chauffeur, and two gardeners. There is any army of people around to make life comfortable.”
    He shook his head. “I can’t even imagine this life. It’s pretty…fabulous, I suppose.”
    She shrugged and took a seat opposite him. “One could get used to it easily enough, but that’s not why you’re here. What bring you to this place, Riley?”
    A matronly woman brought in a tray and he waited until she left it on the table. Tania poured him a cup.
    He took it from her hand. “I told the gang I was coming to meet you, that I could convince you to come with me, and they would have you.”
    She gasped and her hand stilled on the pot. After gazing into his eyes for a moment, she picked up the pot and poured herself a cup. “You lied to them. Why?”
    It gladdened his heart to know that she trusted him at least that much. It wasn’t much, but it was something. He was grateful

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