Full Moon Mating [Wolf Creek Pack 1]

Read Online Full Moon Mating [Wolf Creek Pack 1] by Stormy Glenn - Free Book Online

Book: Full Moon Mating [Wolf Creek Pack 1] by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
Tags: Wolf Creek
he had much, just a couple changes of clothes, a few personal belongings, and whatever could fit in the saddlebags on his motorcycle. It wasn’t much, but it was his.
    He had never had much more than what he did now. The Teacher didn’t allow it. He said that the less Nate had to carry around, the less there was to distract him from his true calling…working for the Teacher.
    Nate wondered how long it would take the Teacher to find him this time. He always did, not matter how hard Nate tried to hide. Nate had begun to suspect quite some time ago that the Teacher was using the other students to find him.
    He had no defense against that. They would do whatever the Teacher demanded. It truly was a matter of life or death…for all of them. But he also knew that those who were truly his friends would lead the Teacher on a merry chase before giving in.
    That, at least, gave him some time to plan his next move. Nate questioned why he was even considering sticking around when he knew that the Teacher was looking for him. On the other hand, he wondered why he was having such a hard time considering the possibility of leaving Joe if the Teacher showed up. The two ideas did not mix well.
    Joe was just so…so…well, he just was. Nate got a tingling feeling throughout his entire body just thinking about him. He was so tall, so sexy, so powerful, so very breathtaking.
    He couldn’t wait until Joe got home. He had only been gone a couple of hours, and Nate was already missing him like crazy. He had no idea when he met the good sheriff that he would become so attached so fast. Being away from him was almost a physical pain.

    Stormy Glenn
    Just to keep himself busy, Nate went into the kitchen and dug around until he found an old cookbook. And it was old. The pages were worn and faded. Some of the recipes even called for lard instead of butter or shortening. Lard? Yuck!
    Gathering together the ingredients, Nate got about making a couple loaves of homemade bread. After getting away from the Teacher, he had quickly learned that homemade bread was his downfall. He couldn’t get enough of it.
    Setting the dough in a couple of pans to rise, Nate cleaned the kitchen, then went upstairs to take a little nap. He started to head towards his room, the guestroom, but stopped himself just inside the doorway.
    He looked around the room for several moments, his lip caught between his teeth as he considered where his thoughts were leading him. He really wanted to stay with Joe. He liked it here. Was it an option?
    Knowing that Joe was a shapeshifter changed things a bit. He might actually be able to keep the Teacher away from him. This was an usual feeling for Nate, knowing he might actually be safe.
    Of course, this also opened up a whole other can of worms. Nate knew that in order for Joe to keep him completely safe, he would have to tell him everything. He was not looking forward to that. It was sure to be a real party.
    With a little shake of his head at his morbid thoughts, Nate quickly gathered what stuff he had here, which wasn't much, and carried it into Joe’s room. Joe had said this was his house too, and he preferred this room, mostly because it was Joe’s room.
    Nate went back to the guestroom. He quickly changed the sheets and made the bed. According to Joe, he never knew when he might have overnight guests. It would be rude to leave the room a mess.
    Nate ran downstairs to check on the bread, then decided to take a nap. He set the alarm clock to wake him in two hours. The bread Full Moon Mating
    should just about be done by then. Carefully folding his clothes and putting them on the chair in the corner before he climbed into bed.
    He sighed deeply at the feel of the soft cotton sheets against his naked skin. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had felt sheets this nice. It had definitely been a while.
    The best part of it all was Joe’s pillow. It smelled just like him…
    all dark musk and man. Nate buried his face

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