Full House

Read Online Full House by Jess Dee - Free Book Online

Book: Full House by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
those dreams.
    She latched on to the last thing he’d said. “It’s different with me and Max?”
    Trev nodded, never once lowering his eyes. His gaze held hers, the nut-brown irises mesmerizing in their intensity. “I want you both.” His voice dropped about twenty-five notches. “At the same time.”
    What the…? How on earth did he expect her to respond to that?
    Apparently he didn’t expect her to answer at all because he kept on speaking. “I’m not surprised about wanting Max this much. You…you caught me unaware. I never thought I’d feel anything this strong for anyone else.”
    Hysterical laughter bubbled in her throat. “Let me get this straight. You’re telling me you want us both? As in you want to…” She hesitated, knowing her words would come out crass and cold. “You want to fuck us both, one after the other?” A high-pitched giggle escaped. “Or does it mean you want to fuck me while your boyfriend fucks you?”
    The dinner she’d eaten pitched precariously in the pit of her stomach. The very thought brought back the shiver down her spine. It was far more forceful this time. More like a quake she couldn’t control. One that reverberated through her breasts, making her nipples hard as marbles. So hard, the silk of her bra scraped against them, torturing her.
    Trev raked a hand through his hair. “Would that be so terrible?”
    She blinked. “Would what be so terrible?”
    “Me making love to you, while Max makes love to me.”
    She blinked again, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Maybe when she opened them she’d wake up and realize all this was just a silly dream, brought about by a little too much wine and her overwrought hormones. Hormones Trev had gotten all worked up earlier this evening.
    She opened her eyes.
    The disappointment was crushing.
    The view was not.
    No matter what he said, no matter what she’d caught him doing, Trev was gorgeous. And Trev in his boxers was a sight to behold.
    “You’re joking, right?” Because seriously, he had to be. Who in their right mind would ask such an outrageous question? But then who in their right mind would go down on his female housemate and in the same night allow himself to be fucked stupid by his male lover?
    Trev shook his head. “Not this time, Gracie.” He took a step toward her.
    She threw up her hand. “Don’t you come any closer.” Last time she’d been so close to him, she’d wound up with his tongue in her vagina.
    Trev’s lips twitched. “You scared of me now?”
    “Don’t be ridiculous.”
    “You scared I’ll kiss you again?”
    Her heart lurched.
    “Christ, I’d love to kiss you again,” Trev groaned.
    Kiss her again? After he’d kissed his boyfriend? What if he’d kissed his boyfriend the way he’d kissed her—very thoroughly and all over? Hell no. No way. She didn’t want that mouth or tongue anywhere near her. “Kiss me and I’ll break your nose.”
    “Is that what you want to do? Break my nose?”
    Only if she could knock all his teeth out in the process. Two-timing dickhead.
    Although could he be two-timing her if tonight was their first moment of intimacy, and he’d promised her nothing? “I don’t want to break your nose. And I don’t want you to kiss me. In fact, I want to have nothing to do with you from here on. Nothing. Got it?”
    Trev reeled back as though she’d slapped him. “That might be tough, since we live together.”
    She shook her head furiously. “I’ll move out. I’ll find somewhere else to stay.” She didn’t really have a choice. She would have to move out now. No way could she live with Trev knowing he was gay. Bi. How could she ever explain it to her family? They’d never be okay with her staying here. But where would she go? Where would she stay? Maybe Hunter would let her sleep on the couch at his place?
    With Jay and Julia?
    Uh, not likely. Way too awkward, that.
    So that left her with exactly no other options. “It might take a week or two to find another

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