Full Disclosure

Read Online Full Disclosure by Sean Michael - Free Book Online

Book: Full Disclosure by Sean Michael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sean Michael
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
    He stopped in front of Sammy's door and took a breath. Okay, he was going to start reasonably and just knock; he wasn't above escalating as needed, though. Samuel was going to have to call the police to get rid of him this time.
    He knocked twice on the door.
    "Yes?" He heard boxes rattling, then the door opened, Sammy standing there with a tape gun in hand.
    Jarrod raised his hands. "Don't shoot!"
    "The gun." He pointed to the tape gun in Sammy's hand. He sighed. "It was a joke--you know, a tension breaker?"
    "Oh. Right. What do you want?" Sammy looked exhausted. It broke his heart.
    "You." He stepped forward into Sammy's apartment. "I want you."
    "I'm not available. Get out."
    Sammy's place was trashed, everything packed and in boxes. Sammy'd looked only partially unpacked before, now it looked like he was all but ready to move out. Jarrod was just in time.
    "You don't get it. I'm not going. We're good together, Sammy. We're good when I bend you over your desk and fuck you. We're good when I put you over my lap and spank you." He stepped forward with every point, making Sammy back up. "You're shaved bare because of me. You're wonderfully sore because of me. You're dreaming of nipple rings and cock cages because of me."
    "Go away." Sammy shook his head. "I'm moving. You have to go."
    "Why are you moving? And I'm not going anywhere." He kept stalking forward, backing Sammy right into a wall.
    "I'm going away. I'm not staying here." The tape gun fell, clattering to the ground.
    "You're not running away from here." He gathered Sammy's shirt in both hands.
    "Don't you fucking touch me."
    God, his lover was beautiful.
    "You now have a safe word; it's deposition. I know you know how to use it." With that, he pulled Sammy to him and took that amazing mouth.
    The fire between them flared, and Jarrod growled, dragging Sammy closer. His. His, damn it. And Sammy knew it, too, deep in his gut.
    He pushed his tongue into Sammy's mouth. He was not letting his lover go. He wasn't losing this. He was going to apologize, then he was going to spend the rest of his fucking life making his man's dreams come true.
    Right now he was going to kiss Sammy breathless.
    Sammy's hands landed on his shoulders, and Jarrod didn't think even Sammy knew whether he was pushing away or pulling closer. He went with pulling closer, and pressed up hard against Sammy's body.
    "You leave me alone." Sammy groaned the words against his lips.
    "That's not what you really want." He bit at Sammy's bottom lip, then sucked it between his lips.
    This close, he could see the sorrow, the stress, the sadness in Sammy's eyes. He let go of Sammy's lip and pressed their foreheads together. He looked right into the man's eyes.
    "I'm sorry, Sammy. As soon as I got involved I should have told you. Honestly, I didn't want you to know anyone thought that of you, because I knew it couldn't be true."
    "You should have. You should have been honest. You saw all of me."
    He nodded. "I should have and I still do. See all of you, I mean."
    Sammy shook his head. "I'm moving. I'm out of here."
    "You can't shake me that easily, Sammy. I'm inside you now." He touched Sammy's chest, feeling that heart pound. "You have to forgive me."
    "Because otherwise we both lose something amazing. I know you can feel it, Sammy. You have from the start."
    "Who do you work for? What's your job?"
    "This between us--this was never any part of a job, Sammy. You have to know that--you have to believe it because it's the truth."
    Sammy stared him down. "I want to believe it, but I want full disclosure. You're not a legal secretary."
    "No. I'm with Northern Secure, a security firm that was hired to find out who was leaking information at Bailey, Billings, Hering and Weir." He was fucking good at his job, too, and he'd never slept with a suspect or client before. Ever. Sammy had been different from the start, though.
    "Do you always fuck your clients?"
    "Never. Not ever. "
    Sammy had to

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