From the Cradle

Read Online From the Cradle by Mark Edwards, Louise Voss - Free Book Online

Book: From the Cradle by Mark Edwards, Louise Voss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Edwards, Louise Voss
door to make sure it was locked – the last thing he needed before a briefing was one of his team to walk in and catch him naked, muscles or no muscles. Old habits died hard. Besides, they’d never take him seriously again.

    Five minutes later he was in the incident room, aware that his team were staring at the damp hair curling onto his collar as he wrote the names on the whiteboard – Sean, Helen, Alice, Frankie – and described to the team what they already knew. He had to dismiss a brief uncomfortable thought that they would all know he’d been so recently naked at work, chiding himself for the moment of self-consciousness when there was so much else at stake.
    Someone had already hung an enlarged photo of Frankie alongside the pictures of Izzy and Liam, and Patrick let his gaze linger on it for the moment, inviting everyone to do the same. This was their focus. These children, their families. Sometimes, in the din that reverberated around cases like this, it was easy to forget that.
    MIT9 was one of the Met’s twenty-four Murder Investigation Teams, all coming under the Homicide and Serious Crime Command. Despite their name, the MITs were not only responsible for investigating murder, but much of the other nasty shit that made Patrick wish his fantasy career as a rock star had got beyond a handful of terrible gigs in south-coast pubs. Manslaughter, serial rapes, infanticide, mass disaster – and missing persons cases where there was, to use the official language, ‘substantive reason to suspect life has been taken or under threat’. This was one line he would never repeat to the parents of the missing kids.
    ‘Right,’ he said. ‘You all know the drill by now.’ He nodded at DS Staunton. ‘Mike, I want you to coordinate house-to-house. Remember, we want any suspicious or strange activity over the last week – anyone seen hanging around, checking out the Philipses’ house, anyone spotted sitting in a car or van outside the house. I don’t even need to tell you this.’
    Mike said, ‘If it’s anything like the other two, no one will have seen a bloody thing.’
    ‘We might get lucky,’ piped up DI Adrian Winkler. Six-foot-two, with shoulder-length black hair, longer and thicker than Patrick’s own, and good-looking enough to complete the set of what most women were supposed to be interested in, Winkler was one of the other DIs on the team. His nickname was, inevitably, Fonzie, although it was more a sarcastic reference to the fact he thought he was the coolest man on earth than because he shared a surname with the actor who played the Fonz. ‘There might be a curtain-twitcher living next door. Nice shower, by the way?’
    ‘Better than nothing, thanks, Adrian,’ Patrick said flatly. ‘I want you coordinating the search teams, along with Preet.’
    Winkler shot him daggers. ‘Oh come on, Pat, not the fucking search teams . All those do-gooders tramping through the park looking for clues when you know most of them would rather be forming a lynch mob. DC Gupta and I have a lot better things to do with our time, you know.’
    Patrick almost smiled, until Winkler added, ‘When a lynch mob would actually be a much better idea. Help clear out some known sex offenders, get the nonces off our patch.’
    ‘No problem, sir,’ said DC Preet Gupta, stepping in before things got too heated. ‘Come on, Adrian, they’re just jealous we’ll be out in the fresh air.’
    But even the prospect of spending time with Preet, easily the prettiest of the detectives in the room, couldn’t appease Winkler. Patrick had heard whispers over the last few days that Adrian was unhappy with how he, Patrick, was conducting the investigation. They’d had run-ins before, usually over Patrick’s methodical way of doing things. Winkler was the kind of cop who preferred to drop bombs then sift through the fall-out. Patrick knew he was going to have to watch him.
    Patrick continued dishing out responsibilities. CCTV for DC

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