
Read Online Frogspell by C. J. Busby - Free Book Online

Book: Frogspell by C. J. Busby Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Busby
from the floor and looked down at Snotty. He had gone a slightly funny colour and he appeared to be completely out for the count, but he was still breathing.
    “Wow!” said the prince, in awe. “That was amazing!”
    “Yes, well done, Max,” said Ferocious, sitting on Snotty’s stomach and calmly cleaning his whiskers. “Of course, you couldn’t have done it without me distracting him with a few well-aimed nips to the ankles, but still – your father would be proud of you.”
    Max took a deep breath. He couldn’t quite believe what had happened. He’d knocked Snotty out cold and Adolphus had chased Jerome goodness knows where – it looked as if he’d actually rescued the prince. He was in charge! Max suddenly felt rather weak and sat down quickly before his knees gave way.
    At that moment Adolphus flew happily through the doorway, breathing proper-coloured fire again and flapping excitedly around their heads.
    “I chased him off! All the way down the path! Did you see? He found one of the horses in the end and galloped off in completely the wrong direction for the castle! It was really good fun! Did you see me breathe a really big bit of flame justnow? Whoopee!”
    “Yes, well done, Adolphus,” said Ferocious hurriedly. “Just calm down before you set the place alight. That would be all we need – heroes of the hour burned to a crisp by their brainless companion.”
    Adolphus flew down to the ground and folded his wings, but he couldn’t stop bouncing. “Now what, Max? What shall I do now? What do you want me to do, Max? Shall I breathe fire again? Just let me know!”
    Max took a deep breath, and looked round the hut. “Um, actually, you could breath some fire over here, Adolphus,” he said, showing the dragon the fireplace where Snotty and Jerome had laid a neat little pile of logs and twigs, just ready to light. “I’m going to tie Snotty up, in case he comes round, but I think we all need something to warm us up. Plus I’m starving. I don’t know about you lot, but being scared makes me really hungry.”
    “No problem!” said Adolphus, and sent a three-foot flame scorching into the narrow fireplaceand halfway up the chimney. At once, the logs glowed red hot and started to crackle merrily. Meanwhile, Max trussed Snotty up like a chicken ready for the oven and Ferocious sniffed about in Snotty and Jerome’s saddlebags for food and drink. In what seemed like no time, the prince and his rescuers were sitting happily by the fire, drinking hot spiced apple juice and eating bread and cheese. The young prince was much friendlier than he’d been when they’d first appeared. He couldn’t understand a word Ferocious or Adolphus said, but Max translated, and he solemnly thanked all of them for what they had done.
    “You can call me Cael, if you like,” he said rather grandly. “After all, you are my rescuers.”
    “Well, I suppose technically we haven’t rescued you till we get you back to the castle,” said Max – and then suddenly he felt cold all over. Olivia! Olivia was still in the castle, still trapped in Sir Richard’s rooms, and possibly at the mercy of Morgana at this very moment! What had hebeen thinking of?! He was so dazed by the success of his fight with Snotty, he had completely forgotten Olivia. To say nothing of getting the prince back to the castle before Sir Richard and Lady Morgana arrived. What a turnip-head!
    “Adolphus!” he said urgently. “We’ve got to get a message to the castle. We need to get Merlin or someone out here to collect the prince – but even more importantly, we need to get Olivia out of Sir Richard’s chambers. You’ll have to do it, you’re the only one who can get there quickly enough!”
    “Oh yes! Okay! Off to the castle! But, er, which bit exactly?” said Adolphus uncertainly.
    Max groaned. He had felt so triumphant a minute ago and now his daring rescue seemed as if it was falling apart around him. Where should he send Adolphus, assuming

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