if Abbi takes the first step. We can’t do that for her. You are a
different matter. I don’t want to get Abbi in trouble, but as your
legal guardian, she is neglecting you by allowing Quinn to
physically abuse you. Matt, I have a lot of contacts in this city,
and I am willing to go to bat for you, at least until we can get
Abbi away from Troy, too.”
    Matthew stood, pacing the room again. “Why?
I know I already asked you this, but why me? I’m just a kid you
don’t know.”
    Frey leaned back in his chair and crossed
his arms over his chest. He couldn’t tell the kid the truth about
his sister. “I already told you, I like you. Besides, I can’t stand
men like Troy Quinn who abuse women and those younger or weaker
than they are. Bastards like that only do it because they are on a
power trip. Sure, I could tote him an ass-whoopin’, but that
wouldn’t do you or your sister any good. If we are going to get
Quinn out of your lives, we have to do it the right way. That
begins with you telling us everything you know about him.”
    “ I’ll do it. I can handle
the bruises, but I’m doing this for Abbi. She’s been through too
much already.”
    Frey knew determination when he saw it. The
kid had it in spades. “Good, let’s go find Jasper, and he’ll write
down everything you tell him.

    Jasper had agreed to talk to the kid that
afternoon. Even if they didn’t convince him to press charges, they
could get more information on Quinn and begin monitoring him
closely. The cop was a bigoted redneck. Frey was going to call
Julian and have him check the hospital records for any visits Abbi
might have made. If there was documented physical abuse, it would
be easier to convince her to at least press charges. If she truly
was Frey’s mate, they needed to get her away from her abusive
husband, one way or another. For reasons Jasper didn’t understand,
the fates chose Abbi as Frey’s mate. Whether her being married was
a test of sorts, he didn’t know. Was he being tested as well?
    He had put on a smile around the others, but
Jasper’s heart was hurting. The look on Trevor’s face before he ran
out of the morgue haunted Jasper’s thoughts. Why couldn’t he have
kept his hands to himself? Because the mate pull was too strong.
Because Trevor was irresistible in his own right. He was smart, and
funny, and so very sexy in a geeky sort of way. Just the way Jasper
liked his men. Well, most of the time. Craig had been anything but
geeky, but he worked really hard to impress Jasper away from the
firehouse. He’d stayed after him until Jasper relented. Craig
wouldn’t come out of the closet around others, saying as firemen
their jobs would be on the line.
    Julian believed Craig had hacked into
Jasper’s computer and messed with his employment records.
Considering the firewalls Julian had in place, it seemed like a
longshot his ex was responsible. The digital trail led back to
Jasper’s computer, and Craig was the only one with access to it
other than Jasper. He hadn’t realized Craig was smart enough to
hack a system, and even if he was, why would he do that? What did
he have to gain by changing the files? Now Craig was missing,
throwing up more red flags.
    Jasper didn’t know what to do about Trevor.
How much time should he give him before he apologized? Would Trevor
even talk to him? If they never mated, Jasper still wanted Trevor
as a friend, no matter how hard it would be to keep his hands off
the man. He would worry about that later. Right now he needed to
help Frey.
    He walked into the gym and immediately felt
the pull. Trevor was there. It didn’t take him long to find his
mate. Frey was laughing at something Trevor had said. He walked up
behind Trevor and cleared his throat. Frey eyed him curiously, but
Jasper’s attention was on Trevor, who tensed up. Was he aware it
was Jasper behind him? Was he feeling the effects of the bond?
    When he turned around, Jasper whispered,
“Hi, Trevor.” He

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