
Read Online Frenzied by Claire Chilton - Free Book Online

Book: Frenzied by Claire Chilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Chilton
Tags: Horror, Paranormal Fiction
her arms around his neck. She could move them again, albeit painfully.
    “Let’s get out of here,” she whispered into his ear.
    “Which way?” he asked. They had yet to find a way out.
    “Try the roof.” If nothing else, it would provide fresh air. The climate control in the cinema stank of death, blowing the odor into every room.
    He nodded, holding her close as he walked up the theatre towards the door. He kissed her on the top of the head. “We’re going to be okay.”

L ucy was still processing the events of the day as Ben nudged open the door to the roof with her in his arms.
    It was crazy. Everything they’d seen and done was insane. Sure, her life as a human hadn’t been very enticing, but at least it had been normal. She couldn’t imagine going back to her daily routine of work, and then sitting at home alone each night afterwards. It wasn’t much of a life to lose.
    What kind of sad-sack ends up going to the cinema alone anyway?
    There wasn’t anyone who’d miss her if she never went back to her life. Not even a goldfish to mourn her loss. She glanced up at Ben. They hadn’t discussed what would happen if they did get out of here.
    She frowned when his eyes narrowed, and then turned her head to look out onto the roof of the cinema.
    She inhaled sharply as she scanned the flat roof of the building.
    A large group of creatures stood on the roof amidst the pipes and aerials. They were a range of beasts with different animal features; bears, wolves and big cats. At the front of the group stood a large bull.
    “How are you feeling?” Ben asked her.
    “Okay. The pains have all gone.”
    He lowered her to her feet, holding her shoulders as she stood up. She flexed her muscles, relieved to discover that all her limbs were working. She nodded at him and stood by his side, preparing for another battle.
    These creatures weren’t snarling or making any sound at all. They were just staring at them. The bull stepped forward, transforming into the shape of an old woman. Her grey hair was twisted up into a knot, and she wore a tan robe that was decorated with sigils. “You cannot leave this place.” Her voice was commanding and deep. “If you try to, we will stop you.”
    “Why?” Lucy asked.
    The woman frowned before narrowing her eyes at her. “You know why, Ketis.”
    Lucy frowned.
    Ketis, wasn’t that the name of the manager?
    “We’re not him. Whatever the hell he was.” She turned to Ben. “They think we’re the freaky manager guy.”
    “We just killed him.” Ben turned to face the older woman. “If you’d care to examine his remains, you can find him in pieces in theatre twelve.”
    The woman fixed her glassy silver eyes onto Ben for a moment before nodding at the two bears on her left. “Check it out.”
    Lucy and Ben moved aside as the two bears raced past them into the cinema.
    “Who are you?” Lucy asked.
    “We are Odin’s warriors,” the woman said. “And if what you say is true, then I would like to hear your story.”
    Lucy stared at the large group of creatures. They would overpower her and Ben in an instant, so she nodded.
    “Okay. We both woke up in the cinema with amnesia. Everyone was dead. There were monsters stalking the halls. When we were attacked, we became monsters too, but we could er, turn it off.”
    “And we found a freaky room full of magical crap,” Ben added.
    “Oh yeah, these books.” She pulled the books out of her bag and offered them to the woman. “We’re not sure, but we think is means we’re Berserkers,” she said as the woman waved away the books.
    Lucy shrugged and dropped them back into her bag. “Anyway, we tried to get out, but all the doors were locked. So we kind of figured out that this Ketis guy, the manager, had done something that made everyone into a crazy creature.”
    The woman scowled at her.
    “Not that I’m er, saying you are …” She trailed off.
    “So you killed him without evidence?” The woman clenched her hands

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