French Twist

Read Online French Twist by Glynis Astie - Free Book Online

Book: French Twist by Glynis Astie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glynis Astie
Tags: Romance, Romantic Comedy
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loss for what would be…appropriate.”
    She snorted.  “Appropriate?  Syd, you crack me up.  Stop thinking so much!  I’m sure you already have a great idea, but you’ve talked yourself out of it for some crazy reason.”
    I sighed.  “It frightens me how well you know me.  Or am I just that easy to read?” 
    “What do you think?”  We both laughed.  “Now tell me your idea.” 
    “Well, he loves this group, the Bloodhound Gang, and they’re playing in the city next week.  I went online and there are a few really crappy seats left for Tuesday night, but I thought it would be fun.  Is it…lame?”
    “It’s not lame!  It’s incredibly thoughtful, as usual.  I totally give you props for going to such an awful concert for him.  That band sucks!”  She added sound effects for emphasis.
    “Thanks!  I so love hearing your opinion on things. It’s always nicely put.”
    “Hey, honesty is important.  You know you love me.”
    “Yes, I do...for some inexplicable reason.  But seriously, the show is a nice gift, but I have to give him something on his actual birthday.”
    She burst into a fit of giggles.  “I thought you had something to give him on his birthday.”  She laughed so hard, she dropped the phone with a loud clatter.
    “Nice, Maya!”  I cleared my throat. “I hope it will happen, but it’s not a gift. Gross!  It’s something I want too, you lunatic!”
    She composed herself. “OK, I got it.  What about a picture frame?  You could have a photo taken that night and put it in the frame for him to take back to France.”
    “No way!  Too presumptuous; we’ll probably never see each other again.”  I blushed and was thankful she couldn’t see it over the phone.  I didn’t need any further mocking.
    “Syd, I’ve seen the way he looks at you.  He’ll make something happen.  I can tell.”
    “Maya, I love you, but you’re on crack.  You saw him look at me the night he met me.  There’s no way he was in that place then or is even there now.”  I didn’t want to hear this.  It would get me to hope and I couldn’t afford to do that.
    “Have it your way, Syd, but I think I’m right.  You wait and see.”
    Suddenly it hit me.  “I know!  I’ll buy him a plant.  He was just saying the other day how bleak his apartment is and he loves greenery of any kind.”
    “Very sweet, Syd, but I think you’ll be the one making his last week a lot better!”  She cackled.
    “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself!  I have to run.  Call you later!”  My face was crimson.  Why was it so easy for her to get under my skin?
    “Bye, hon!  Be good!”  Maya truly knew how to end a conversation.
    By Sunday afternoon, I was in good shape.  I had bought Louis the concert tickets and a beautiful ficus plant which would brighten up his corporate apartment.  I had also borrowed my favorite dress of Kate’s - a sparkly silver strapless sheath dress ending a few inches above my knees.  I straightened my hair, added light makeup (subtle hues on the eyes and lips) and a few pieces of simple jewelry, finishing off the look with silver strappy sandals.  Not bad, Sydney.
    Louis rang the doorbell at exactly six o’clock.  I opened the door and stood admiring him for a moment.  He was wearing a French-blue long-sleeved collared shirt, charcoal gray pants and black shoes.  The blue of the shirt intensified the color of his eyes, if that was even possible, and the effect was breathtaking. I was stunned into silence.
    Louis smiled at me.  “May I come in?”
    I shook the thoughts out of my head. “Of course; I’m sorry.  I was distracted by how gorgeous you look.”  I blushed profusely following my admission.
    “You are the one doing the distracting, mon coeur .  You look...well...I wish I could find the right words.”  He thought for a moment.  “I think breathtaking is the word I am searching for.”
    I blushed even deeper and

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