Freedom is Slavery

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Book: Freedom is Slavery by Louis Friend Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louis Friend
back up. This was rather difficult as I had a raging hard-on by this time but I managed.
    She went over and grabbed her coat and I followed quickly along. It was as if the entire time at her apartment hadn’t happened. We went back to being the friends that we had been before and no mention was made of D/s or pain. However, rather than continuing to shop at rather "vanilla" stores, our path now took us to much more "alternative" venues which included fetish gear, pornography, and other interesting items.
    After a long day of walking, chatting, and shopping we got in a cab and Louise gave a very specific address across town.
    The restaurant that night was markedly different from the places we had been frequenting previously. Lit only with candles and served by waitresses with chains around their waists that led to their hands and the trays they carried this was the first "fetish restaurant" I had ever heard of. When we got there, Louise introduced herself by the name she used in Prometheus and said that she and her sub would be dining tonight.
    The wait staff never looked at me, as if I wasn’t there. She ordered all food and drink for me, not allowing me to interface with anyone but she. It didn’t take long until she was down to brass tacks, asking me some very awkward and personal questions about my past experience as a submissive. She took it all in, making mental notes as the meal progressed.
    I paid the tab and we left after dessert. Rather than going our separate ways she told me that I’d be coming back to her place. When she got there she told me to strip and leave my clothes by the door.
    She had me kneel and she left the room to start a bath. Once she was in the tub she called for me to join her. She moved up in the tub and told me to get behind her. It was a luxurious tub and we both fit well.
    With my legs spread, she moved back to lean against my chest and continued to sponge warm water over her. Her head fit nicely under my chin and I could smell the scent of her hair. I know it sounds odd, but her hair fascinated me. I never had seen an natural ‘do on an African American woman that close and I asked if I could touch it. She had me do one better and allowed me to oil it for her.
    I wondered if she could feel the hardness of my cock against her ass as we sat and relaxed in the tub. She told me that she was glad we had met and that our mutual friend had done her right by steering such a pleasant submissive her way.
    I still wasn’t sure if our friend knew of our proclivities or if it had been a happy accident. Regardless, I was having a wonderful time, especially when she had me soap her up and rinse her down.
    We toweled dry and she led me to the ladder that went up to her large, raised bed. I followed her up and found her on her back, her legs spread. She told me to please her with my mouth and I obliged willingly.
    She tasted different than anyone I had ever licked before. I let my tongue explore every fold and nook of her pussy, getting her wetness across my nose and cheeks. I felt her hard clit under my nose and began moving my head up and down, rubbing it, while my tongue went deep into her, tasting her stronger there.
    She grabbed the back of my head and held me in place, her hips thrusting now and her clit harder under me. I could feel the walls of her pussy contracting around my tongue as I fucked her with my mouth. I could hear her moaning, high and shrill, and gasping every few seconds.
    Just then she started saying, "Oh!" Quietly at first and then louder and in closer succession. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Until it became one long, loud vowel as she bucked hard against me.
    I struggled to keep my tongue and face moving to coax her to completion and perhaps to tease a second orgasm from her. She wasn’t having that, though, and pushed me away, panting for breath.
    She had me crawl up next to her and take one of her nipples in my mouth as she stroked my head. We lay in silence for a short while until she

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