Freedom Does Matter (Mercenaries Book 2)

Read Online Freedom Does Matter (Mercenaries Book 2) by Tony Lavely - Free Book Online

Book: Freedom Does Matter (Mercenaries Book 2) by Tony Lavely Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Lavely
Tags: teen thriller, teen romance fiction
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was now visibly worried. Billy couldn’t believe what she said next.
    “He says… I’m sorry, Poppy, but he says the earth and the universe are only, like, six-thousand years old, and everything science says is a lie. That can’t be!”
    Billy throttled a desire to beat William to a pulp and hugged Sarah to his side. How to work with her, with them, to make them believe? “Well, first, he shouldn’t have said science is a lie. Many scientists are good men, trying to do their best. However, they have not accepted the Lord Christ Jesus. So, while they may not lie, they are sometimes incorrect.” He took a deep breath and made a concerted effort to avoid falling into ‘preaching mode.’ “Our Lord God created the Earth and Man, and Woman his helpmeet, in Six days. According to the Bible, that was 3960 years before our Lord Christ Jesus was born.
    “God created the whole world complete, including the things scientists choose to think argue for their idea that the world has been here for, what, millions of years…”
    “Billions,” David interjected quietly.
    “What? Billions? How can that be? Our Lord God is patient, but billions? It beggars belief, don’t you see? We are His creation! He would not simply… wait around for… for billions of years.”
    “So…” Sarah dragged the small word out. “He played a joke on us.” She leaned back against the sofa and threw her dark blonde hair to her side, then caught it up and twisted it into a rope. “I guess I don’t really believe that either.”
    “How about you, David? Does this bother you, also?”
    “Yeah, Granddad, it does. Sarah and I’ve been talking about it since Reverend William started this chapter. It just makes no sense.”
    “Very well, then. Please keep attending Reverend William’s class and listening with the open minds I know you have. You’re both bright and well-thought. I’m sure it will make better sense to you as you learn more.” He hugged them as Cook announced dinner.

    “It would be better if Sarah and David were in a separate class… or tutored alone. They prove a distraction for the other students in class.”
    “How so, William?” Billy had asked Reverend William Frankelin to visit with him in his spacious office in downtown Kansas City. Coffees sat before them on a large plain table away from Billy’s desk.
    “They are inquisitive, and not amenable to the Word of the Lord Our God,” William said. “Sarah especially attempts to confound me at every turn with ‘scientific facts’…” He imbued the words with the appropriate disgust. “…seeking to dissuade me and more importantly, the other students, from our beliefs.”
    Billy smiled, hoping the man across the table would see the patience in it. “William, they, like all your students, are children. They are put here to do exactly that.” William’s furrowed brow proved the junior pastor did not understand. “Children have been put on Earth by the Lord to confound us, to test us, to make us stronger in our beliefs. Do not expect them to lap up everything we set before them, like dumb animals. They are not dumb. I cannot stress this enough. They think. Their questions must be answered, and to their satisfaction. Not mine, or yours, comfortable as we are in our beliefs, but theirs, as their beliefs bud and take shape and form.” He smiled again. “I love them. All of them, but David and Sarah especially. They are my kin, the gift My Lord left when He took my Jacob and Ruth.” He paused, a beatific look on his features. “You should work with them a few more weeks. We’ll talk again after Labor Day.”
    “Very well,” William said as he followed Billy’s lead and stood. “But I don’t know how to convert their mistaken ideas.”
    “You’ve said it exactly!” Billy gave William a clap on the back. “You must convert them. They are like the heathen—particularly intelligent and educated heathen, but heathen nonetheless as regards their

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