his stupidity . Once their lips m et, he’d kiss
her until they were both breathless, touch her until he was on the
brink of m adness and then take possession of her body . Ov er and
ov er again. Only the doubt that filled her ey es stopped him .
“Goodnight, Holly ,” he said finally .
“Goodnight,” she said softly , closing the door.
Brett waited to leav e the porch until he heard the locks echo in
the silence, a stern rem inder that she locked him out of her life.
He scrubbed a hand down his jaw as he walked across the lawn
to his truck. He had to find a way past those walls or he’d go crazy .
No m atter how m any tim es she shunned him , he still persisted.
His attraction to her, along with his faithful, willing, constantly -
hard cock, seem ed to grow. And he was a whole lot pissed off at
him self for allowing her to affect him that way .
He slung open his truck door, clim bed inside, and then
slam m ed it shut. In the m eantim e, m ay be he should just get laid.
One phone call would solv e the problem . He m entally kicked
him self in the ass. No one except Holly would cure the persistent
ache in his bones. Or in his heart. Resolv ed to the idea of waiting
her out, he started his truck and headed hom e. Alone. Again.
Sweat trickled down the sides of his face and wet the tangled
sheets beside him. “Oh, baby, my dick worships you.”
The wild-eyed brunette whose normally professionally-styled hair
now resembled a rat’s nest gave him a sultry smile before she lifted
herself off his still-erect cock. “Of course it does.”
He braced himself on his elbows and watched her wiggle back
into her clothing while his cock twitched and saluted her. “Too bad
you can’t stay.”
She threw her head forward and then back again. Her hair fell
into some sort of a tousled look and then she glanced at his groin.
“No. We can’t risk it.” She reached for her purse in a nearby chair and
slung it over one shoulder. “Besides, you haven’t delivered your part
of the bargain.”
Panic urged him off the bed and he stood in front of her, his dick
bobbing between them. “Now, sweetheart, I’m still working on that.
She’s a stubborn woman.”
His breath caught in his throat as she reached between them and
locked his balls in her fist. Flames flew from her narrowed eyes when
she spoke. “Try harder, sweetheart, or the deal is off.”
At his nod of agreement, she opened her fist and released him.
Without another word, she turned on one heel and left the bedroom.
He reached between his legs to massage his injured anatomy.
Damn Holly London. What happened to make her so uncooperative?
Everything had progressed smoothly until she changed. Until she
accepted help.
He hobbled back into the bedroom and eased himself back on the
bed. He hadn’t anticipated her weakness and now he would have to
take a different approach. He cursed his aching balls. No way would
he let her ruin his plan. Somehow, some way, he’d make her pay for
this .
With his com bat boots propped on the top of his desk, Brett
rubbed his forehead before he glanced out of his office window into
the m orning sunshine. Sleep ev aded him again last night, leav ing
him wide awake to think about Holly . He should hav e just taken
her hom e with him . Sure, she would’v e thrown a roy al bitch fit
about it, but he owned at least one pair of handcuffs and he wasn’t
afraid to use them . He needed help, quite possibly professional. As
m uch as he wanted to deny it, the cold hard truth was that Holly
controlled him , m ind, body and soul. He shook his head in
frustration. Where was he when that happened?
Brett folded his hands behind his head and attem pted to put
things in perspectiv e. Protection had been his business for a long
tim e and he’d alway s m anaged to keep his m ind on business. Until
Holly . If he intended to keep her safe, he needed reinforcem ent. He
palm ed his
Annie Proulx
Colin Dodds
Bill Bryson
Hillary Carlip
Joan Didion
David Constantine
Marisette Burgess
Charles Williams
Jessica Pan
Stephanie Chong