don’t hav e a reason to call now.”
He gav e her his best but you will sm ile. “Just in case.”
Holly twirled the card between her fingers. “Do y ou really
want to know what happened to Albert?”
He nodded.
“He was killed when his fishing boat exploded. Apparently ,
som eone planted a bom b on board.”
“Do y ou think stealing the form ula was the m otiv e?”
“I didn’t until now.”
“Who knew about it?”
“Ev ery one. The one thing Albert couldn’t keep a secret was his
success. He spent m ore m oney on press releases and personal
appearances than actual m arketing. It was totally ridiculous.”
Ridiculous? Obv iously , Holly didn’t share Albert’s lov e of
“You didn’t appear with him ?”
“No. Not only did I refuse, I m ade absolutely sure I was too
busy at the gy m to participate.”
“Did any one know y ou were the beneficiary of the Perm aSlim
“Most people probably assum ed, but ev en I didn’t know until
Albert’s will was read.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Six m onths.”
“You just started hav ing trouble?”
“Just what I m entioned earlier, and we contributed that to
Cam eron’s stalker.”
He folded his lips to stifle a grin. Thanks to Cam eron’s stalker,
Brett was giv en the opportunity to m eet Holly , up close, personal
and half naked. On the down side, she’d been shot in the thigh in
the process.
He lifted an ey ebrow. “You still hav e a scar?”
Holly laughed and threw her napkin on the table. “Okay
Prince Charm ing, I see where this conv ersation is headed. Take m e
hom e.”
They drov e back to Holly ’s house in a com fortable silence.
Holly seem ed to hav e let her guard down som ewhat, though Brett
could tell she still held back. He could probably find out what she
hid, but he would rather she tell him . He needed her trust.
Holly reached for the door handle as they stopped in her
driv eway .
“Sit tight,” Brett said. “I’ll open the door and go inside with
y ou.”
Holly rolled her ey es and folded her arm s ov er her chest.
“That’s really not necessary , Brett.”
He felt him self harden as he ey ed her cleav age, plum ped from
her arm s crossed under her breasts.
“Hum or m e.” His patience now paper-thin, he got out and
slam m ed the door. How in the hell could two m ounds of flesh affect
him this way ? Brett reached between his legs and m ade an
adjustm ent as he storm ed around the truck.
Without thinking, he opened the door, grasped her waist, and
lifted her out of the truck. The m om ent she left the seat, she slid
down his body like m elted butter and the friction between them
crackled the air.
Obv iously burnt from the sam e spark, Holly jum ped away
from him and headed for the front door. Alm ost thankful for her
hasty retreat this tim e, Brett followed behind. When she reached
to put the key in the lock, he nudged her to the side.
He pried the key from her grasp and pushed her behind him .
“Let m e.” As soon as the lock snapped, he eased the door open and
pulled his gun from his waistband. “I won’t leav e y ou here until
I’m conv inced no one is in the house.”
She sighed. “No one is in the house.”
He turned to look at her ov er his shoulder and frowned. “You
don’t know that, Holly .”
She flinched as if his tone had poked her.
“Just let m e check,” he said, stepping inside.
Brett felt Holly close behind him as he checked each room . In
fact, the heat from her body scalded him . Desperate for relief, he
attem pted to distract him self by concentrating on his task. Finally
satisfied no one was in the house, he went back to the front door.
“Lock it behind m e,” he rem inded her.
Their ey es m et and locked as she nodded her silent assent. The
slight elev ation of her chin taunted him . His lips tingled with the
urge to press his lips to hers. Just once, for a split second, to take
the edge off. He cursed
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