our GPS systems programmed with our flight plan, so if we got separated, none of us would get lost.
"Keep it loose today," Lara said. "This is too far to fly with the stress of flying in formation."
We edged our way around the outside of Dane County airspace, staying well clear to the east as we climbed to a comfortable cruising altitude. Soon we were flying south towards St. Louis, our fuel stop today.
"So," I asked. "What is today's entertainment?"
"Truth or dare!" Angel offered immediately. "Michaela, I dare you to make your passengers airsick."
"They can hear you, Angel," I said. "Besides, Elisabeth is with Lara."
"Hey!" exclaimed Elisabeth. "I heard that, Fox."
"You were supposed to, Wolf," I replied. "And how many times do I have to tell you? That's Alpha Fox to you."
"Do you believe I would leave the entertainment up to chance?" Lara asked. "Each of you, look in your glove box. Take out what you find, but don't open it yet."
I offered a quizzical look to Serena. She opened the glove box and removed two boxes of Trivial Pursuit questions and a stopwatch. A moment later I heard laughing from all three aircraft.
"We're playing for points," Lara explained. "Each aircraft is a team. I'll start by reading a question for Michaela's team to answer. There is a two-minute time limit per question. You get two points if you answer correctly within one minute, and one point if you answer within two. Angel's team then gets fifteen seconds to state whether Michaela's team is right or wrong. If they are correct, they get half the points Michaela could get for answering correctly. Then the next time it's our turn to read a question, we'll ask Angel's aircraft instead. Questions?"
"Are there prizes?" I asked.
"Yes," Lara said. "The winning aircraft gets a shopping spree tomorrow."
"Excellent," exclaimed Angel.
There was a pause, then Lara said, "Elisabeth wants to make a side wager with you, Michaela."
I laughed. "And did you also want a side wager, honey?"
Lara didn't answer, but then Elisabeth spoke. "Michaela, do you remember my favorite wager?"
"I believe I might," I said. "It involves shopping."
"That's the one," she said. "If our team scores higher than your team, I want that renewed and made a permanent agreement."
Wow. "Seriously?"
"All right, with reasonable restrictions on frequency."
"Once a month for part A, unlimited for part B." Elisabeth had once won a wager that required me to buy the dress she picked out for me, and to wear it three times to events of her choosing. She had picked a bright pink dress I had hated at the time. Elisabeth wanted me to go shopping with her once a month, and I would be obligated to wear what she selected as often as she chose. Periodically, she had renewed this wager with me, losing more often than winning, but I knew it pleased her greatly when she won.
At first, I had thought Elisabeth simply wanted to tease and embarrass me, but Lara had loved the clothes Elisabeth picked for me. They were far more feminine than I typically wore, and even I had to admit I looked good in what she picked.
"Yes on part A," I agreed, "but you better have a really good offer if you think part B should be unlimited."
"I don't actually expect to exercise part B more than once or twice a month most months, but I didn't want us to quibble if I wanted to do so several days in a row for some reason. I won't abuse it."
"And what are you offering?"
"I'll help teach one of your classes a week," she offered.
"I pick the class?"
"Subject to my duties," she replied. "And I might be unavailable during times we're on high alert."
"You'll also help with the associated grading?"
"If you don't abuse it," she replied.
"All right," I said. "Agreed."
There were a few minutes of other wagers floating around. Violet made a wager with James and Karen with Portia. What can I say? Weres are competitive.
"All right," Lara said. "One last thing. Once you open your boxes of questions, you may cut
Violette Paradis
Margaret Maron
J.A. Cipriano
Arthur Miller
Gay Hendricks, Tinker Lindsay
Lolita Lopez
Ed Gorman
Scarlett Dawn
Josie Leigh
James Dawson