Forsaking All Others (From This Day Forward Book 2)

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Book: Forsaking All Others (From This Day Forward Book 2) by Shannon Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Myers
Egorichev, you are urged to call the Crimestoppers hotline at—”
    I tune out the rest and focus on Beth. She looks like she’s seen a ghost and nearly jumps out of her skin when I touch her.
    “Beth, who is she? Do you know her?”
    Her voice is barely above a whisper, “It’s Katya—Landon’s ex-girlfriend. He told me they broke up—back before the accident. I ran into him last Thursday.”
    My blood runs cold. I knew he was shady, but this is putting him into a whole other category. This is Ted Bundy crazy—I just wonder if the police department is aware he’s the man they need to focus in on. I’m just thinking I need to call Mike when I see Beth’s face has drained of all color.
    “I’m not feeling very well, David.” I place my arm around her in an attempt to get her back to the booth when she goes limp in my arms. I sink down to the floor with her, never letting go.
    “Help me!” I call out to the waitress as I cradle my wife’s limp body in my arms. She fainted—literally passed the fuck out from seeing that.
    “Beth? Open your eyes, baby.”
    The waitress, Deb, comes back over with a wet towel and a glass of water.
    I place the towel on her face, hoping it will jar her back to consciousness and I’m instantly rewarded with the sight of those big baby blues.
    She blinks a few times before she realizes she’s lying on the restaurant floor.
    “What happened?”
    “You fainted after seeing the news story on that missing girl. How do you feel now?”
    She closes her eyes again and I worry she’s fainted again on me when she finally speaks. “Truthfully? I feel pretty damn embarrassed. Any chance that everyone in the restaurant left and no one saw?” Her eyes open again and fixate on me.
    Another customer chooses that moment to interrupt. “Do you need me to call an ambulance? Is she going to be okay?”
    I nod at the man, “She’s going to be fine. Her blood sugar got a little low and left her lightheaded. Thank you for your concern though.”
    She smiles at me as he walks off, “Thanks. Any chance we can get our food to go?”

    I’m giving myself a headache in an effort to make sense of everything. I remember just enough about Landon to be concerned, but not enough to provide myself with any concrete evidence. I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that actually has nothing to do with morning sickness. At least, I don’t think so—the fainting thing might be related to the pregnancy though.
    David ordered us a couple of plates to go while I sat with my head down in the booth. My cheeks burned with embarrassment at drawing the entire café’s attention. We managed to make it home where he promptly ordered me into bed. I can hear him banging away in the kitchen as he gets our lunch ready; I’ve got the strangest feeling of déjà vu, but it’s comforting.
    “Hey Beth? Do we still have those wooden T.V. trays?”
    “Check the pantry. They’re on one of the lower shelves in the back.” What? Seriously? I cannot remember whether or not Landon is a good person, but I can sure tell you where the T.V. trays are kept.
    David comes back in a few minutes later with a tray. He gently sets it in front of me before going back to grab his food. I look at my plate—the chicken fried steak is cut into bite-sized pieces. It’s such a simple gesture, but this man is killing me. Just when I think I’ve got it figured out, he shows up and turns everything upside down.
    I blink rapidly and fan my eyes— do not cry…do not cry…
    “Baby, you okay?”
    I look up at him, although my vision is slightly distorted from the unshed tears. “I’m fine. Just tired.”
    He eyes me warily before climbing into bed. We eat in silence while my brain swirls violently back and forth between the man beside me and the man who may or may not be responsible for Katya’s disappearance. Maybe the divorce is a mistake… Could Landon truly be capable of violence? My eyelids grow heavy, something I’m

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