
Read Online Forsaken by Jana Oliver - Free Book Online

Book: Forsaken by Jana Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Oliver
Tags: General, Action & Adventure, Juvenile Fiction, Love & Romance
and impacted directly on top of the creature’s head. Glass shattered and Holy Water drenched the fiend’s fur-covered face. The demon began to dance around like it was on fire, swiping at unseen enemies. Then it crumpled.
    Paul stepped out from behind the dumpster, studying the monster from a respectful distance, another sphere already in hand.
    “Damn, yer good,” Beck said, edging closer. “I can never hit ’em when they’re runnin’ like that.”
    “Takes practice. You be careful,” his mentor urged.
    “No problem. I learnt my lesson about these things.” Beck gingerly prodded the steel into the side of the demon. It wasn’t breathing. Which meant it was getting ready to strike.
    “Heads up!” he shouted. The fiend was on its feet in an instant, moving faster than he’d expected. One of its paws clamped onto the pipe. Beck knew better than to keep hold of it. He’d made that mistake before and been pulled into the other set of claws. He surrendered the pipe, but by that time the demon was already lunging for him, Hellfire eyes glowing. He kicked with his steel-toed boot and caught the thing on the shoulder. As it spun around, one of the claws ripped the hem of his jeans, pulling him off balance. If he hit the ground he was dead.
    As it turned, another sphere smashed into the Three’s back full on, causing it to shriek and bat wildly at the soaked fur. Before either trapper could react, it raced toward the closest hole, dove into the darkness, and disappeared.
    “Ah, shit!” Beck spat.
    Paul joined him, slipping the strap of the duffel bag onto his shoulder, his face radiating disapproval.
    “Go on, say it.”
    “What’s the point? You never listened when you were an apprentice; you’re not going to now.”
    Beck waited him out. There was always more.
    Paul shook his head. “You can’t do it straight, can you? Always a hotdog. It’s going to get you dead, Den.”
    Beck was used to this lecture. He’d heard it often enough.
    “It’s just … never mind.” Skating on the edge made him feel alive, kept things interesting. But he knew better than to try to explain. “The Holy Water hardly touched the thing. It shoulda been out for at least a couple minutes.”
    “It’s happening more often now.”
    Beck arched an eyebrow. “Any idea why?”
    His companion shook his head. “No, but I’m working on that.” Paul studied the alley. “We need to rethink our strategy, at least for this demon.”
    Beck reclaimed his pipe. It had four new claw marks on it. “Yeah, big-time.”
    They turned and began to walk to the truck, both of them on edge. It reminded Beck of when he was in the Army, out on patrol. Waiting for that first burst of gunfire or a thundering explosion along the roadside. Here it was teeth and claws, but the effect was the same. If a trapper didn’t pay attention, he got injured or he got dead.
    “That Five at the library today,” Paul said out of nowhere.
    Beck had wondered when that subject would come up.
    “Why did it come after my daughter?”
    “No clue. Anyway ya can keep her from trappin’ for a while?”
    “Probably not, but I can restrict her to being with one of us. That’ll keep her safe until we get this sorted out.”
    “Better not send her out with me. She’ll feed me to the first Three she sees,” Beck said, trying to lighten the moment.
    “She’s not got a crush on you anymore, Den, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
    “Oh, I know that. Now she just hates me. I don’t know which is worse.” A grunt of agreement came from his partner. “Ya think the Five made itself look like one of the students?”
    “That’s my guess. They don’t change forms very often, but it’s possible. As long as it kept its feet from touching the ground, it could work its evil.”
    A breeze stirred, kicking up puffs of concrete dust. The hair on Beck’s neck ruffled. He shot a concerned look at his companion.
    “Just the wind,” Paul said. “A Five’s not

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