Forgotten Time (Ravenhurst Series, #1) A New Adult Time Travel Romance

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Book: Forgotten Time (Ravenhurst Series, #1) A New Adult Time Travel Romance by Lorraine Beaumont Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorraine Beaumont
stare at her.
    Sebastian gathered the shawl in one hand, the golden threads rough against his palm. The expression on the girl’s face confused him. He remembered all too clearly the look of hatred in Marguerite’s eyes the last time she saw him. Now, suddenly, she was looking at him hungrily, as if she wanted to taste him as much as he wanted to taste her. Was she playing a trick? Or had she changed so much? Was she really no longer an innocent? Even so, why would she look at him with longing? Something did not add up and he did not like it one bit. She stared at him like a love-struck girl, her deep blue eyes drawing him in. He suddenly found he didn’t care if she was playing a game; he wanted to kiss those full, pink, succulent lips of hers, and taste them. His body reacted before his mind. He pulled her closer, making her relinquish her hold on the shawl, pulling her closer to his body.
    A knock sounded at the door, breaking the spell.
    He looked down into her flushed face, her eyes widened in wonder as he took a step back. Suddenly, he felt like an outright cad. A gentleman would not make untoward advances toward a young woman, especially one who had been unconscious. Still, he found he could not tear his gaze from hers. The desire to taste her lips, for just the briefest moment was distracting.
    It took Katherine’s mind a minute to realize he had moved away from her and someone else was in the room. She pulled the smelly shawl closer to her body as she watched a young girl in maid’s clothing enter. The girl’s small arms were carrying a large, covered tray.
    “Excuse me, my lord,” she said in a small voice as she hurriedly set the tray on a table by the fire. As she straightened from the table, she dropped into a curtsy. “Is there anything else, my lord?”
    “Yes, Tabby, please draw our guest a bath.”
    The maid turned in a flash and went into the bathroom.
    Katherine could find no words; she had no idea what to do. Hadn’t they almost kissed? Or was her mind playing tricks on her? Either way, she still had no idea what to do, she was so embarrassed, she wanted to run and hide.
    “Please sit down and eat something,” he said as he extended his arm toward the chair.
    Katherine stared at the carpet, her face felt hot. She made herself move forward and sit in the chair, keeping her gaze on the floor. She didn’t trust herself to look at him again, lest she do something really stupid, like drooling all over him. The food’s aroma wafted towards her and her empty stomach made a low, growling noise. She shut her eyes, instantly hating her stomach.
    Sebastian cleared his throat, trying to get her attention, but she kept looking at the floor. “After you have finished your repast and had a bath, of course, I would like you to meet me in the library,” he said quietly.
    Katherine froze in horror. Crap . Was that why he stopped? Oh good Lord! Did she still smell? She felt sick. “Certainly,” she squeaked out, barely audible.
    “My lord, the bath is drawn.”
    “Thank you, Tabby. Please come back shortly to help your lady dress.”
    “Of course, my lord, I will be back directly,” the maid answered as she hurried from the room.
    Katherine had no idea if the maid curtsied this time or not, since she was still staring stupidly at the floor. She felt a slight breeze as someone walked past, the maid, she assumed, with her skirts rustling in her haste.
    Sebastian raised a brow in question, leaning down slightly to see her face. “Very well, then, I shall leave you to your meal.”
    Her body jerked. He was close, too close. Her mouth dropped open as he smiled briefly. His dark hair fell forward and he lifted his hand, pushing it back before he straightened. Slowly, he turned away and walked out the door. She heard the door close as it made a soft clicking sound.
    Katherine let out a pent-up breath and fell back against the cushion of the chair. Her hand shook slightly as she removed the

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