Forgotten Days (Fate's Intent Book 6)

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Book: Forgotten Days (Fate's Intent Book 6) by April Bowles Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Bowles
Zayden’s blood then a drop of my own with a small dagger. I took the flame from the closest candle and lit up the herb, all the while, Izin stood still. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t move, he only watched.
    I stood up when the smoke rose into the air and I saw him while I was awake for another amazing time. Only this time, he was much younger like maybe four or five and he was running through the halls of this very palace with Zayden just being happy. There wasn’t anything being said but there didn’t have to be, the joy on their faces was enough.
    “Mother!” They stopped in the main hall and I was there, looking much more sophisticated than I usually do in a dress of all things which I hoped helped with Izin’s portrayal of me.
    “Where are you going in such a hurry?”
    “Oh, your grandparents just went in. Go see them.”
    Seth ran off with his innocent smile.
    “And will you be joining us?” Zayden asked me.
    “Soon. Just getting a head start on a few things.”
    “You really try too hard.”
    “I’m a perfectionist. I can’t help that.”
    “I know.”
    He leaned in to kiss me and the smoke started to fade the image until we were gone and I had a direct view of Izin. He was still standing still like he was still looking at the image but he was looking at me instead.
    “How did you do that?” He asked me.
    “A trick I learned from Trever. I have visionary blood. It’s key and mixing it with Zayden’s shows me Seth.”
    I had just realized that I hadn’t mentioned his name before and it was never spoken in the vision. “It’s what we call him.”
    He was still being completely unreadable. I didn’t know what was going through his mind, if it was good or bad. I could only just stand here and wait for him to say something else but he didn’t. He did something completely unexpected and embraced me.
    It was warming and true that it made me tear up to know he had just given me his approval.
    “I was wrong. She is in you.”
    He pulled away and I wiped my eyes gracefully. “I tried to tell you.”
    “But it seems we still have more work to do to mold you into that image.”
    “I know. I’m apologetically disrespectful but I’m willing to try if you are.”
    “I’ve always just wanted to see Zayden happy and now I’ve seen he will be that and more with you in his life.”
    “Who should tell him?”
    “Another failure upon us?” He quoted himself from those months ago and we both laughed.
    “I just thought you should have the pleasure again. He’s never going to believe it if he hears it from me.”
    “I will. I’m sorry I’ve wronged you. Will you ever forgive me?”
    His question was sweet and I took it in account that he had apologized to something I’d hope he’d never hear about. I no longer saw him as I did in my nightmare but as the noble King he is who just wanted to give his children everything he could.
    “Of course you’re forgiven.”
    “Then put your straight face back on and we’ll scare him a little.”
    “Is that really a good idea?”
    “You do know what fun is, don’t you, Adele?”
    “Of course I do.”
    “Then it’s okay to have some every once in a while.”
    I sucked in a breath and took his arm so he could escort me back to Zayden. I was nervous but I wanted this. I just hoped Zayden wouldn’t be mad about how his father chose to tell him.

    Chapter 17
    I was practically pacing while I waited, wondering how everything was going. Rift was asleep again since he got about as much as me last night and was concerned with my mood. Troy offered to check in but it wouldn’t mean we could hear anything and that’s the part I wouldn’t want to miss.
    “What are you so nervous about?” Ruby asked.
    “How could you possibly ask me that? This is my future and if Adele can’t even convince him then I don’t see how anyone can.”
    “Relax. He couldn’t possibly be that

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