Forgiving You: A Switched Series Novella (The Switched Series Book 3)

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Book: Forgiving You: A Switched Series Novella (The Switched Series Book 3) by Brittany Bromley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittany Bromley
much he knew about all of this.
    I pack up most of our clothes and some of Ava’s toys. Stuff that I know I will want with me no matter what happens. After getting the car loaded, I go by the studio and see how many appointments I have scheduled for this week. I call Jenn, my assistant at the studio to tell her I am going on vacation and see if she can take the appointments for me. She agrees and tells me to have a good vacation and she will see me when I get back, whenever that will be.
    I pull into Trent’s driveway and see his truck is still in the driveway, so that’s a good sign. At least he’s not near Ava. I take a deep breath and get out of the car. I walk up the sidewalk and knock on the door, something that I realize I have never done before. We have never had a romantic relationship of any kind, he’s always been more of a good friend, but right now it doesn’t feel right just walking in his door.
    He opens the door looking like he hasn’t slept in a week. He doesn’t say anything, just opens the door wide and lets me in. As soon as I am in the door, he grabs me and pulls me into a huge hug.
    “I’m so sorry about last night. I would never hurt you or Ava, you know that. I just don’t want to lose you,” he says, sounding sincere. I nod my head at him and walk inside to sit down.
    “Why did you send those pictures? How did you get them?” I ask him.
    “I didn’t send him any pictures. I don’t know where they came from. I always assumed they were fake,” he says.
    “So you knew about them, how?” I ask.
    He takes a deep breath and looks me straight in the eyes. “Jaxon came by my house and started punching me. He said he had seen the pictures and he would kill me if I came near you again. I had no idea what pictures he was talking about and he didn’t tell me. A couple of hours later, Margo stopped by. She helped me clean up and I told her what had happened. She told me about the pictures. You know she and Molly were friends and she said the whole family was upset about them. I know they are all very good at their jobs, so I figured they would be able to figure out very quickly that they were fake. I guess I was wrong,” he says.
    “Why didn’t you tell me about them? You knew I had no idea why he kicked me out. How could you let me feel like he just didn’t want me anymore?”
    “I always thought you knew about them. I figured you told him they weren’t real and that’s what you were talking about. You didn’t understand why he didn’t believe you,” he says calmly. “After you sent the pictures of Ava and he didn’t respond, I knew I had made the right decision about not pressing the matter. He didn’t deserve either of you if he didn’t want her after seeing her.”
    “But he never looked at those pictures. He didn’t know about her until yesterday,” I say.
    “And you believe him so easily,” Trent says, sounding angry. “Look, I don’t want to argue with you about this. I’m just glad you came home. We will figure the rest out later. Let’s go get Ava and I’ll take the two of you out for a good meal. I’m assuming she’s at the studio with Jenn,” he says, sounding sure of himself. Why would he think that?
    “Why would you think she’s at the studio with Jenn?” I ask suspiciously.
    “I don’t think that, I know that, because I know you better than anyone. First you went home, and then you went to the studio to drop Ava off with Jenn so you and I could talk without her here. I know you, Maya. And I have missed you baby,” he says, walking over to me to kiss my forehead. How could he know exactly where all I have been?
    “You don’t know me that good. Ava isn’t with Jenn, she’s with Jaxon,” I say, watching him closely.
    “You brought Jaxon to Atlanta with you?” he asks, far too calmly.
    “No, I left Ava in Tennessee with Jaxon.”
    “You did what?” he screams. “Are you crazy? How could you leave your daughter with a complete

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