Forged in Honor (1995)

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Book: Forged in Honor (1995) by Leonard B Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leonard B Scott
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just to return early by a day. Teacher does not impress easily."
    "Naw, he's impressed, I can tell. He'll say so tomor-"
    "QUIET! You two sound like whimpering pye dogs!" growled Bak.
    "I told you he was impressed," Joshua whispered in Stephen's ear.
    Sarah walked over the rise and abruptly halted. Below her, on the plateau, were two mounted men. Goose bumps ran up her arms and neck and she suddenly felt a warm rush of pride course through her body. The two riders were sitting erect with their heads and eyes set to the front. They wore the traditional blue mountain Shan turban and loose-fitting white shirt and pants. Around their waists were crimson sashes; both wore swords stuck in their sashes and had rifles slung over their shoulders.
    Bak stepped up beside the small woman and bowed his head. "Mrs. Brown, I am honored for you to witness the last test of the two candidates. They returned from the river two days ago and have been resting and practicing for this last event."
    Sarah kept her gaze on the two riders. "You've worked very hard with them, Horseman Bak, and it shows." She turned and looked into the old man's eyes before bowing her head. "I'm very proud of what they've become, test or not.
    Thank you."
    Bak returned the bow. "And I thank you for your understanding. I am sorry the pastor could not be here to witness the test. I ask your permission to begin."
    Sarah looked back at her son and Stephen, thinking of how much they had grown in the past four years. Stephen was no longer a thin, gangly boy-now a half-foot taller than Joshua, he was rawboned and had the look of a slick racehorse, all muscle and sinew. Joshua too had grown and filled out. He had become broad-shouldered and thick-chested like his father. His bronzed face contrasted sharply with his sun bleached blond eyebrows. She thought both young men had the look of the Horsemen she had seen, confident men who knew no fear.
    Sarah nodded. "Please begin."
    Bak raised his hand, then dropped it to his side. Immediately both riders spun their ponies in opposite directions and took off at a full gallop.
    Although his pony was galloping, Joshua's body seemed perfectly still. There was no bounce or movement of his head or shoulders, as if he were floating just above the horse. Suddenly both ponies stopped abruptly at opposite ends of the field. Both horses reared up on their hind legs and pawed the air as the two young men pulled their swords from their sashes. A chill ran up Sarah's spine hearing the swords' distinctive singing sound as the blades were pulled from their metal sheaths. The horses came down in a full run and headed directly for each other. The riders lifted their swords in the attack position. As the distance between them closed, each rider raised his blade higher, as if to make a slashing attack, but as they passed within inches of each other each rider twisted in the saddle and plunged his blade into the grass field. Both swords swayed on their glinting shafts but remained perfectly perpendicular to the ground.
    Bak nodded in approval and leaned closer to his guest.
    "The placement of the swords was well done. Notice they are parallel to each other, which shows good timing. Now they must recover their blades. It is very difficult at a full gallop."
    Both riders had reached opposite ends of the field, had made their turns, and were barreling back toward each other.
    Each rider leaned over the side of his pony, plucked his sword from the ground, and swung it over his head.
    Sarah let out her held breath and clapped. "They're wonderful!" she cried out excitedly.
    "Watch now, Mrs. Brown. They will perform without their reins, using only the pressure of their legs to direct the ponies."
    The young men were now in the center of the field, facing Sarah. At the same moment both horses began sidestepping in opposite directions as both riders held their arms across their chests. The ponies halted and backed up, stopped, and came forward at a trot. At the

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