Forged in Honor (1995)

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Book: Forged in Honor (1995) by Leonard B Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leonard B Scott
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closer, the sound like a wave of thunder rolling over the ridge. Joshua and Stephen lay balled up on the ground as bullets cracked overhead. They heard a man grunt as if he'd been hit with a bat; another screamed like a child.
    Finally there was a long, oppressive silence in which not a leaf rustled or a bird chirped. A bray from a wounded mule finally ended the eerie quiet.
    Joshua began to rise slowly and then froze. The Wa scout was standing only a foot away on the other side of the root wall, pressing his bloody hands against his stomach. The wounded man raised his eyes to Joshua as if pleading. A loud report behind Joshua caused him to jump. The bullet cracked over his ear and hit the Wa in the forehead, making a dull noise like a stone hitting an overripe melon. The Wa dropped like a rag doll and lay looking up at the canopy with unseeing eyes.
    Joshua pulled his pistol and spun, but Stephen grabbed his arm. A blue-turbaned Horseman holding a rifle stepped forward and stared at the two boys for a long moment before lifting his chin and barking a command. In seconds both boys heard the hoof beats of approaching riders.
    Walking past Joshua and Stephen, the Horseman approached the Wa's body cautiously until he saw where the bullet had struck. He smiled and looked at Stephen. "I was worried about you, Sao. It is good to gaze upon you again."
    Stephen bowed his head. "Greetings and blessings, Horseman Lante. It is good to gaze upon you as well."
    The Horseman walked up to Joshua and took the old pistol from his hand to inspect it. "I have heard much about you, white Sao. It is said you are a true Shan and one to behold when riding and shooting. I am fortunate my Sao stopped you from shooting me."
    "Did you have to kill them all?" asked Joshua, still in shock at seeing the Wa shot dead before his eyes.
    "Of course," retorted the Horseman levelly. "They were warned five days ago and told to pay the tax before crossing the Ri. They stole away during the night thinking they could cross without our knowledge." The Horseman motioned toward the dead body. "It is the law to pay the Chindit for crossing his land. This one and the others knew this law and insulted us by breaking it. They knew the penalty was death." He pinned Joshua with his eyes.
    "Sao, this bandit is a killer. The black tar he carries will kill many people and cause nothing but ruin. Farther north the people are cutting down the mountain forests and growing more and more poppies to make into this black tar. The Chindit cannot stop the people from doing this. The lai is worth more than rice or teak. The fields are spreading like storm clouds and soon will devour our Ri."
    Joshua nodded in silence, having seen the white and pink flowers in fields of other villages.
    The Horseman stepped forward and slapped his hand on Joshua's right shoulder. "I must go, white Sao. I have wanted to meet you for many monsoons. The Chindit speaks of you with a smile. I will pray to the gods that you and the Chindit's son have a good journey to the river. It was long ago that I made the journey, and I remember well the Master Horseman's praise upon my return with the stones."
    The pup pig dog growled at the but door. Bak rose up from bed holding a pistol and shouted, "Identify yourself!"
    "Teacher, it's us," Joshua said, pushing the door open.
    Bak lay back down and mumbled, "I should have known you two would be back early and try to impress me."
    Stephen walked in from the darkness with a beaming smile and held up a small bag filled with the black river stones.
    "We have traveled all night. Here are the stones for you, Teacher, a full day early."
    Bak waved his hand as if shooing them away. "Good, good, now lie down and rest. I'm an old man who needs the darkness to sleep."
    Joshua exchanged smiles with Stephen as they lay down by the coals of the fire in the corner of the hut. Joshua whispered, "I think he's impressed."
    Stephen shook his head. "I told you we shouldn't walk all night

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