
Read Online Forevermore by Lynn Galli - Free Book Online

Book: Forevermore by Lynn Galli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Galli
Tags: FICTION / Lesbian
up the steps to where I sat at her desk. M moved around a lot in her classroom. She told me it kept people from texting in class or whispering to each other and kept their attention focused. Her desk was up on the third row of the eight rows of seating. I wasn’t sure why she didn’t have her desk down at the front of the room, but it was probably for some really good teaching reason.
    A stack of stapled paper sets sat neatly on the corner of her desk. Her eyes landed on them and looked back at me with a smile. She didn’t need to ask, but she whispered, “Would you mind passing these out, please?”
    I stood and picked up the stack of papers on her desk. Whenever she needed something handed out, she’d ask me to do it. She thought I got bored just sitting here. Once a month my school had half days, so M would come pick me up and bring me back for her last class. Briony did the same when she was on pickup duty. Hank’s grandmother would pick up the boys at the normal time. I didn’t mind coming back to work with them. Their students were entertaining, and it was neat to see them teach.
    Heading up to the top row, I counted out the handouts and gave them to the first girl sitting there. She smiled at me, over smiled, really. Some of M’s students did that with me because they thought they could kiss up to their professor if they were nice to me. They all thought I was M’s kid because she didn’t really tell them who I was when she introduced me the first time.
    “Thanks, Olivia,” M said as I got down to the bottom row. “You’ve just been handed a case study on a now defunct manufacturing company. Work in groups of four or five to get this analysis done by next Wednesday. We’ll see where you’re at on Monday. That’s class for today, guys. Be safe out there.”
    Half the class bolted for the door, but the rest went to surround M and ask questions. Normally it would only be a few people, but she must have given them something harder today. Since I was done with my homework already, I sat back in M’s desk chair and pulled out a library book to read. It was about a teen who’d been made into a tour guide hologram for Disney World and finds out many of the evil characters are real and trying to break out of Disney to take over the world. Caleb recommended it. He was already on the fourth in the series. I liked the other series he told me to get about triplet decedents of Medusa better, but I finished those. Before M’s house, I never read anything for fun because it was so hard and I didn’t know how to find something good. But trips to the library were a regular occurrence for this family. So was reading a chapter before bed every night. M had shown me some tricks to help me read better, like looking at the first and last letters and length of the word instead of trying to string all the letters together when they seemed to jump around on me. She got me to focus on the pattern of a word, not all the letters and now I always carried a book to read for fun.
    “What’re you reading?” one of the guys in the class asked me as he dropped an assignment on M’s desk. I glanced up and showed him the cover of the book. “Read that one. It’s pretty good. You’ll like the ending.”
    “Don’t spoil it for her, Joel,” M called out as she waved off the rest of the people surrounding her and made her way up the tiered rows to her desk.
    “I wasn’t, Prof,” he protested, holding his hands up. “Just thought she’d like to know that the kid gets—”
    “Joel!” M snapped at him.
    He started laughing really hard, like getting M to snap at him was his goal. “Just kidding,” he said to me. “Must be fun living with Prof.”
    “Get out of here,” M said in a stern tone that wasn’t really all that stern.
    He sauntered out just as Briony appeared in the doorway. She looked exhausted as she usually did on Wednesdays when she had department meetings.
    “My two favorite people.” Briony walked toward

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