Forever Young: Blessing or Curse (Always Young Trilogy)

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Book: Forever Young: Blessing or Curse (Always Young Trilogy) by Morgan Mandel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Mandel
flourish, he removed the tiny vial
from his pocket and held it high for the audience to see. “Need I say more?
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present, Forever Young.”
Excited murmurs greeted the revelation, followed by a ten minute ovation.
in it,” a television reporter asked, shouting above the din.
smiled slyly. “That’s my secret.”
will it be available?” another wanted to know.
of the anticipated demand, at first I’ll target specific markets. During that
trial period, though, I’ll be taking reservations and deposits. Once the
operation is in full swing, everyone will get a chance at it.”
questions rang out, but Roman shook his head and waved his hand. “Sorry, but I
must leave. As you can imagine, a tremendous task awaits me. The sooner I
finish, the sooner everyone will enjoy the benefits of my pill. Thank you all,
for coming today. I’ll keep you apprised of any future developments.”
audience as one stood up and broke into applause. Roman gestured for Dorrie to
return to the stage. As she stepped up, the response grew deafening. Warmth
filled her at being a participant in such a grand venture.
guards flanked Roman and Dorrie in their escape to the confines of the
elevator. After seeing her safely to the dressing room, Roman dismissed the
guards and slipped down to the sub-basement. At the third door to the right, he
knocked the special pattern for admittance.
squat dark-haired man with the three-inch thick glasses smiled from behind the
metal desk. “You had them eating out of your hand, even before you tossed that
orange. And, I must admit, the widow as our first guinea pig is quite a boon.”
smiled. “Yes, I believe the widow is proving most useful in more ways than one.
The audience claimed her as its own. I predict drooling men and eager women
clogging the phone lines, anxious to share in her good fortune.”
man nodded. “We’ll keep her on for promo, but don’t forget our original plan to
get our hands on that iPhone. A synced computer doesn’t lie. That phone must be
brought up the subject more than once, but in each instance she denies
knowledge of its whereabouts. If she’s holding out on me, I don’t foresee a
problem. She’s in our camp now. She knows how good she’s got it. She’d be a
fool to risk reversion.”
so, but I abhor loose ends. Dig deeper and draw her out. Women are soppy
creatures. I suspect she’s keeping it for sentimental reasons to remind her of
her husband. Soften her up a bit and find out.”
man reached into the bottom drawer of the desk and pulled out a small
container. With a sly smile he held it out. “Here’s something to help the
cause. A few drops of this and she’ll do anything you want. I use it myself
frowned. He didn’t need drugs to attract women. He wasn’t misshapen like the
man behind the desk.
wearing his Angel costume, Roman strode back into Dorrie’s office. His protégé looked
fetching in her day outfit, a grey skirt suit with a white frilly blouse
peeking from the collar and wrists.  
were excellent, my dear. The waiting list has already begun. First the test
markets, then the world.”
hooked, only a scant few could escape the pill’s mind and body alterations. In
the meantime, his accounts would fatten.
day he’d stumbled on this venture had been the luckiest in his life. He smiled,
thinking of the infinite wealth and power awaiting him. It took genius to create
a miracle pill, and genius to convince people of its legitimacy.
to plan, he’d softened up the population by building a level of respect through
non-essential products. Then wham, he’d unleashed the youth pill. At first he’d
been skeptical of its effectiveness, but its effect on Dorrie had convinced him
of its efficacy.
the one who’s wonderful.  Your pill is

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