Forever Together
    “I’m sorry. I don’t fall apart. I just…”
Something inside of Kate broke and tears streamed down her
    “Kaylee’s going to be okay. Doctor T’s happy
with her progress.” Kate nodded, but the tears kept coming. Dan
didn’t know what else to say, so he did the only thing he could. He
wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close.

    Kate helped Loretta lift the makeup cases out of the
trunk of her car. The dress rehearsal for the fashion show wasn’t
supposed to start until half past five, but it looked as though
everyone had decided to come early.
    She’d been at work all afternoon, cutting,
streaking, and blow-drying hair. It had helped take her mind off
Kaylee’s last chemotherapy sessions and the transplant that wasn’t
far away. She didn’t know how Anna, Tom, and Dan managed each day.
They’d been living with HLH for months now, trying to stay
positive, to not show Kaylee how scared they really were. Last night they’d been exhausted.
    Kaylee really wanted to be at the fashion
show, but she was too sick to leave the hospital. Anna and Kate
were going to take lots of photos, to share some of the magic with
    Kate patted her pocket, made sure she had her
camera tucked away for the rehearsal, then followed Loretta. They
moved quickly across the parking lot, dodging teenage girls in high
heels and a man carrying a huge vase.
    Loretta stopped outside the main doors of the
Emerson Center. “Mary-Liz told me she’s set aside an area at the
back of the main stage for hair and makeup. We’d better get there
fast in case someone decides to use the
space for themselves.”
    The foyer was even crazier than the parking
lot. Designers were rushing past with clothes in their hands, models and their moms were wandering around looking lost, and
more chairs were arriving by the minute. Kate wove her way through
the crowd, bumping into a woman holding a clipboard. “Sorry.”
    The young woman smiled. “Don’t worry. Everyone’s in a panic in case
they’ve forgotten something. I’m Becky O’Donaghue, slightly stressed florist.”
    “Nice to meet you, Becky. I’m Kate. I’m
helping with hair and makeup.” Kate glanced across the room and saw Loretta disappear through a
double set of doors. “I’ve got to go. If I lose track of Loretta I might not see her again.
Good luck.”
    Kate made her way across the room and walked
through the entrance to the ballroom. “Oh, wow.”
    The ballroom looked amazing. Four crystal
chandeliers hung from the ceiling, sparkling like diamonds above
the runway. Everything was black, from the curtains framing the
hired stage, to the flooring and chairs. The room looked
sophisticated, elegant, and mysterious. When the models walked onto
the runway, they would be the
center of everyone’s attention.
    “It’s a fine room, isn’t it?”
    Kate turned and looked at the woman standing
beside her. She had short jet black hair and the most amazing green
eyes Kate had ever seen.
    “I’m Molly. Emily asked me to photograph the
fashion show.” She lifted the camera she was holding and smiled. “I
came to see where the best angles might be, but so far it’s a
mighty scramble for position.”
    Molly’s Irish accent sounded soft and musical
against the high-speed chatter going on around them. “My name’s
Kate. I’m helping with hair and makeup.”
    Molly nodded to a group of girls standing
beside the runway. “They’d be wanting your skills long after the
fashion show closes. I’ve never seen a more excited group of
    The girls would arrive at the makeup area
faster than Kate if she didn’t get a move on. “It’s nice meeting
you, but I’ve got to find where I’m working from.”
    “You do that,” Molly said. “And when things
are calmer I’ll come and say hello.”
    Kate started walking toward the main stage. A
short man with a big mustache was throwing his arms around, waving
at someone perched on a

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