Forever (Time for Love Book 1)
know, Bec. I just feel like I'm not in my normal world, so my normal rules don't apply."
    "So if either Ron or Alix invites you to his room, you'd go?"
    Sarah shrugged. "I'll play it by ear. Anyway, don't give me that 'I'm shocked' look. You slept with an ex-boyfriend last night—the one you said didn't mean anything to you anymore. Of course, I've always known you were lying."
    Rebecca giggled. "You're right. I think being on this ship does weird things to our self-control." And hell, yeah. She'd love to lose her self-control again with Zach. When would she see him again?

    Z ach shook his head exasperatedly, already regretting the answer he'd given Rebecca.
    Damn. He wouldn't get that report from Jeff for another two weeks. Now he was faced with a huge problem—he didn't know if he could stay away from Rebecca for that long. After last night, his world was rocked out of its axis. He was back again to thinking about Rebecca constantly. Here he was, torn between obeying either his heart and body, or his brain and common sense.
    Funny how he could have any luxury he wanted, but not the luxury of simply going with the flow to see where something would take him—which was what he was itching to do with Rebecca. How he would love to just have dinner with her, make love to her, make her forget about any other man—especially the one who'd given her the apartment.
    The thought made him hard despite his misgivings. Damn his cock. Always over-eager for Rebecca.
    And that was his biggest problem. Every time Rebecca was in his arms, he'd believed anything she said. If she said that the sky was yellow and not blue while she took him to wonderland with her body, it wouldn't surprise him if he blurted out that she was absolutely right. He could now understand why some great men in history had lost battles because of a woman.
    So whether he liked it or not, he must find a way to stay away from Rebecca until Jeff came back to him with info about the guy she was with. He couldn't afford to let his dick lead him with this.
    His phone rang and he went to pick it up, grateful for the distraction.
    "Hello, Gran."
    "Hello, dear. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?"
    "With everyone else?" And Rebecca?
    "No. Just you and me. I've already spent all day with my friends. Now I'd just love to have a quiet time with you."
    "Okay, sure. I'll pick you up from your suite in half an hour?"
    "That would be wonderful, dear."
    Z ach and Magda were escorted by a server to a table for two in one of the ship's specialty restaurants. It had been a while since Zach had been out alone with his grandmother, and he was glad they had this time together. Magda was one very special person and Zach knew he didn't do enough to let her know how much he appreciated her love, guidance and support.
    "I'm glad I have a very beautiful woman for a date tonight, Gran," he said with a grin.
    Magda chuckled. "Thank you, Zach. Now, if you could keep your eyes open for single men around my age that I could enjoy some bingo and dancing with, I'd appreciate it. There must be at least one or two around here, you would think."
    "Well, before any of them can even escort you anywhere, I must give my seal of approval first," Zach warned jokingly.
    "Oh, don't ruin my holiday. It's not as if I'm looking to get married again. I just want to have some fun like everyone on this ship is having. And for old people like me, some bingo and interesting conversation will do."
    "Okay, then. I'll hunt them out for you."
    "Good. My eyesight is not the best anymore. Better you look around for them than me."
    Zach laughed. And just because he did want to find his grandmother a companion while on the trip, he looked around the restaurant, looking for silver-haired men without women by their sides.
    His heart skipped a beat when he spotted a group of four sitting a few tables away from them. Rebecca and Sarah were with two men, and from the looks of it,

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