Forever Is Over

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Book: Forever Is Over by Calvin Wade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calvin Wade
escalation ” . CC said it slow enough for me to write
    it down, but she looked very proud of herself after she dictated it.
                  “ How many times, miss? ”
    “ I beg your pardon? ”
    She obviously misunderstood me. Perhaps she thought I was asking her how many times she ’ d had sex. I didn ’ t need to ask that, the answer was obvious.
    “ How many times do I need to write that line, miss? ”
    “ Five hundred. ”
    “ That ’ s not fair, miss! “ Chewing the cud is an activity best left to cows in the field ” only has, (I counted them on my fingers), thirteen words, miss and they ’ re short words.
    “ Acts of wanton vandalism are  unacceptable at Ormskirk Grammar School and all methods should be used to prevent their escalation has (again I counted) twenty words and they ’ re long words, most of them. ”
    CC was not one for turning. No doubt Mrs. Thatcher was her hero. She gave a political answer.
    “ Miss Watkinson, punishments must fit the crime. Chewers get thirteen words, those who vandalise desks get twenty words. That seems fine to me, does it not seem fine to you? ”
    I should have shut up and just got on with it, but I couldn ’ t help myself.
    “ I think chewers are worse, miss. You can get chewing gum all over your skirt when they stick it under the desk, miss. If someone carves something on the desk, miss, it can ’ t ruin your skirt. ”
    “ Watkinson, do you think we live in a democracy? ”
    “ Yes, miss. ”
    “ And in a democracy can people give their opinions without fear of repercussions? ”
    “ Yes, miss. ”
    “ Well you ’ re wrong, Watkinson! You only live in a democracy outside of school hours! Society may well be democratic, but this school is not! Pupils should not be spouting their views off to teachers in this school, they should just accept whatever punishment comes their way . To prove to you that this isn ’ t a democracy, you can now do six hundred lines. Only once you have completed this task, can you go home and I don ’ t care if that means we are here until midnight! ”
    I kept my mouth shut after that. Half of me knew CC was right. I was a gobby little know-all who had got what was coming to her. I needed to knuckle down, do my lines, then get out of there.
    It took me three hours, my hand ached, but by half past six, I was done.
    “ Finished miss! ”
    “ All six hundred, Watkinson? ”
    I don ’ t think she wanted to be left on her own. A spinster ’ s life is, I would imagine, a lonely one.
    “ Yes, miss ” .
    “ Off you go then. Enjoy your party, but be careful, boys these days cannot be trusted ” .
    Never a truer word spoken.
    “ Ok miss. Have a nice weekend, miss! ”
    Off I ran. Why I was exchanging pleasantries with CC, I have no idea. She had just given me the longest detention in history. As I was going down the stairs, I was half-expecting Roy Castle and Norris McWhirter to spring out on me and tell me I was a “ Record Breaker ” !
    When I got to the exit by “ B ” block, it was absolutely pouring down. Amy lived in Calder Avenue, which was at least a mile from school, it was dark and I had no coat and no umbrella. I knew I was going to get soaked but I ran like Mary Decker (except I didn ’ t fall over a barefooted South African), all the way to her house. I reckon it took me less than four minutes, I had visions of Roger Bannister, in his prime, trying but failing to keep up with me and shouting as he toiled behind me,
    “ Hey Jemma, slow down! ”
    Roger Bannister didn ’ t have to carry a schoolbag either!
    As I gasped for breath outside the Perkins house, Amy opened her front door.
    “ Quick, come in, you look like a drowned rat! Mum can you get some towels for Jemma, she ’ s absolutely soaking! ”
    Ten minutes later, after a good rub down from Mrs Perkins, a cup of tea and a Chocolate digestive, I was ready to get myself dressed up for the party. Amy and Kelly had already sorted out my

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