Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer)

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Book: Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer) by Darlene Shortridge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Shortridge
incredible, but it is true. They really do care, Laney. These are good people. People who know what it means to be in tough situations, to be hurting and to need help. I guess their pastors haven’t always been on God’s good side, if you know what I mean.”
    Laney wasn’t sure she knew what Sheila meant, but shook her head and agreed anyway.
    Sheila continued, “I think I am going to visit there next Sunday. Do you want to go with me?”
    “I’m not sure. Let me think about it. I can see where God might be working in my life, but I’m just not sure yet. I’ll let you know.”
    It wasn’t too long before the house was full of women’s laughter and the sound of children running and playing. The smell of chicken broth drifted from behind the kitchen door and had everyone’s stomach growling.
    The long table was set. Bowls of steaming mashed potatoes, corn and green beans and homemade buttermilk biscuits surrounded the star of the show, a huge bowl of homemade chicken and noodles.
    Everyone held hands and bowed their heads. Sheila sat at one end and Ms. Ella sat at the other. Sheila led the prayer and thanked the Lord for every good thing that flowed from the Father to his children, including Laney’s new job and the wonderful supper that sat before them. Regardless of where they had been, every person seated around the supper table was forever blessed. Dishes were passed, plates were filled and stomachs were sated.
    Laney looked around the table at her new family. Truly she was blessed. Blessed with dear friends like Sheila and blessed with a surrogate mother like Ms. Ella. If Laney wasn’t mistaken, it looked as if Ms. Ella was happier than she’d ever seen her. Perhaps she had been in need of a new family too.

                                                            Chapter Eleven
    Laney looked at the address written on the little piece of paper. Yep, this is it. She knocked on the door and waited for Ella to answer. Ella was going with her to introduce her to her neighbors and to look at the little house. She couldn’t wait to see it. Maybe, just maybe, this would work out and she’d have a place of her own.
    The door creaked open and Ella, already in her coat and boots, slipped out before Laney could get in.
    “Right on time. I like that in a person. Says good things about them.”
    Ella had a thing for timeliness and Laney had planned her morning so she would be right on time. She didn’t want to disappoint the older woman. “Thank you Ella. I aim to please.”
    Together they walked the short distance to Ella’s neighbor’s front door and rang the doorbell. A large, brown-skinned man opened the door and invited the two of them in. Ella introduced them. “Laney, this is Mr. Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs, this is Laney, the girl I was telling you about.”
    Mr. Jacob’s extended his hand. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Laney. I have heard good things about you.”
    Laney wasn’t sure why, but his name sounded familiar, like she’d heard it before. She shook his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”
    Mr. Jacobs led them through the house and out the back door. “My wife will be home shortly and will join us. Ella finally came and introduced herself to us. We have been neighbors for a few months and we didn’t have the opportunity to meet until she came knocking on our door, asking about the little house behind ours. I had just placed the for rent sign in the yard the day before. We even go to the same church. Crazy, huh?”
    Not knowing what to say, Laney tried to look interested in what the man was saying. What captured her attention was the little house that they were walking toward. Grey with white shutters and a little flower garden below picture windows on either side of the walk, it was picturesque, and quaint. She instantly fell in love with it. Once again she found herself praying. Lord, please let this work

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