Forest & Kingdom Balance

Read Online Forest & Kingdom Balance by Robert Reed Paul Thomas - Free Book Online

Book: Forest & Kingdom Balance by Robert Reed Paul Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Reed Paul Thomas
Tags: adventure, Fantasy, castle, Princess, immortal being, Kingdom
weakened voice gathered strength as she
    “Maybe.” Simon took Atheria’s hand and placed it on
the hidden blade in the small of his back. “But we wouldn’t have
been the only ones.”
    Atheria was last to re-enter the hall having taken a
few moments to recover and clear her mind. The night still seemed
as if in a dream. The musicians played, the dancers danced, and
hours passed. Slowly the guests dispersed, some of her sisters and
brothers were chosen and some were not. “Thank
Spirit that none of the youngest were chosen tonight.” Atheria also made a mental note to thank Rosalyn for convincing
that courtier that experience was far more enticing than a few
extra years of youth.
    Since the king, the High Councilor, and the slave
master were all absent, Atheria wondered about her duties. The
thought of offering herself to the Red Knight was not a pleasant
one, but she had faced death enough for one night. Not offering
herself would bring a severe punishment.
    She danced among the few remaining guests toward the
center area in front of the dais. The Red Knight stared into the
distance lost in thought, her eyes met his and she stopped in mid
step. The power of his gaze consumed her. Stark raw fear coursed
through her, it felt as if her body had vanished to expose her very
    It was just the briefest of glances before his
thoughts turned inward once more, though to her it seemed like a
lifetime. Thankful to be free, Atheria turned away only to be
caught by the eye of the Red Knight’s companion. From one woman to
another, the fierce Warrior Queen’s expression was unmistakable as
both a warning and threat. Atheria left the hall knowing that her
duties were done.
    Later, in the twilight between late night and early
dawn, two men remained in the empty hall. Yamikura approached the
Red Knight who was still lost in his thoughts. “Sire, the hour is
    The Knight seemed to return from a distant land,
    “It was close Sire, but none were put to death.”
Yamikura spoke respectfully in a humble expression of polite
obedience. “Unfortunately the slave master objected and I had to
relieve him of duty.”
    Yamikura’s report was met by the Knight’s wry
    “Relieved him of duty, or of his life?” The Knight’s
amusement became evident.
    “As with most of his kind Sire, he was a coward and
a sadistic bully. True to form, he chose to relinquish his post
rather than to pursue his objections to your orders. Unfortunately
I could not in honor dispatch him once I had given him the choice,
leave or die. I fear that my generous nature may have gotten the
better of me. I apologize for my weakness Sire.” Yamikura bowed low
in a gesture of atonement.
    “You let him live? Excellent! You’re getting better
Yamikura.” The Knight’s voice took on a teacher’s tone, “I
understand your disapproval of slavery my friend, and I do agree
with you on the nature of slavers. However, in life there are the
victors and the vanquished, and defeat will always have its price.
For the brave it is a clean death on the battlefield, the price for
the remainder is service.”
    The Knight then added a friendly caution. “You would
be wise not to get too attached to these Mindow, they are an
unknown that I had not anticipated. Their flame should have
diminished and their numbers dwindled. Instead I feel a flame in
them as bright as centuries past. Even in their children.” The
Knights voice trailed off as he lapsed into inner dialogue.
    The Knight’s attention returned to his Captain, “I
still may need to punish these dancers and I would prefer if you
had no conflict on the subject, understood?”
    “Yes Sire.”
    “Good!” The Knight’s mood lifted as he contemplated
the mystery of this unique warrior he had chosen to be his captain. “He has the flame of a lion and the soul of a
poet,” he thought, “like a razor sharp
sword wrapped in silk. Will the silk foul the blade, or will

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