Forbidden To Say No - The Billionaire's Plaything (An Erotic Romance Novel)

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Book: Forbidden To Say No - The Billionaire's Plaything (An Erotic Romance Novel) by Ashley Spector Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Spector
between his fingers, apparently unable to think of anything more descriptive to say. Then, as soon as the niggling, abstract moments of pain subside, he stops, and pulls his fingers from me slowly.
    "What's the mat -"
    He presses a finger to my lips, implicitly shushing me, before putting the strong, potent palm of his hand to the side of my breast, caressing it briefly, and flipping me over onto my stomach. I lie with my chin resting upon the hard, carpeted ground, my dress riding up to my waist, and my bare, rounded ass seated high into the air, presenting him with an open, defenseless target. I gasp loudly, as he lies back on top of me, and feel something hard jabbing me in the back of my thigh.
    "You're - going to - fuck me?" I ask, managing to stammer my way through a complete sentence. He doesn't reply; the unbuckling of his belt, followed by their descent down his legs to the floor beside us is a response enough. His boxers soon follow, and as I lie beneath him - my heart pounding into the floor and my lungs gasping for breath - I feel the tip of his unseen cock begin to prod around my ass and pussy lips from behind. God, the tension is killing me.
    "Do it," I beg of him, unable to stand the teasing any longer. I'm so wet I swear I can feel the occasional bead of juice flowing from me; my stomach is alive with butterflies and my fingers and toes tingle in expectation, " Please ."
    He has mercy, driving the length of his hardened rod into me, prizing my pussy lips apart from behind, and grinding his way past my dampened defenses. I bang my fist upon the floor, yelping with pleasured pain into the carpet. It hurts - a slight throbbing, seething pain - but not enough to make me hate this. The pleasure he brings me conquers all, and when he's fully enveloped inside me, and I can't extend my ass any further into his hips, he reaches around with the soaked fingers of one hand to play back upon my delirious clit.
    I gasp yet again as he withdraws, and slams himself back into me, violently deflowering me. My nails dig into the carpet, my mouth open wide to taste the dirtied, dusty floor, and my eyes screwed closed, putting me back inside my own little world. He's found a steady pace now, slamming his hips into my ass with more force than I'd expected, paying no heed to the delicate sensibilities of the virgin, while his fingers rub my clitoris from side to side, upwards and downwards, driving beads of juice out of my pussy and down his dick.
    "God," I murmur, trying to keep my voice down, and losing my breath to the joy. "Daniel, I never - thought - it'd be like this."
    He chuckles warmly, before moving his arm energetically across himself - wiping away the sweat I'd imagine - never granting me a moment's rest. I extend my ass backwards to meet his strokes, one by one, and soon feel the inevitability of my orgasm building in writhing, twitching torrents.
    "Oh God, Daniel, I'm gonna -"
    I don't even get to finish my sentence. My throat is possessed by a shrill cry, as my right leg sets off in shuddering spasms, apparently trying to escape the intense feeling he brings upon me. I clutch my breasts selfishly, squeezing their erogenous flesh, giving myself something to hold onto while he batters my pussy from behind. I clench, tighten, and constrict around him, but he doesn't care, pounding himself into me like a man possessed. A tidal wave of satisfaction breaks over my wracked body, followed by another, and I have to jerk myself away from the activities of his finger; my clit a hypersensitive mess.
    When it's over, I lie face down, depleted; my pussy a sore, sopping hole, and my nerves quite rightly cooled. Daniel slows to a stop, before withdrawing, his role in my defloration apparently over.
    "How was your first time, Miss Everett?"
    I bat a handful of sweaty, unkempt black hair away from the front of my face, opening my eyes for the first time to find everything ever-so-slightly blurred. His face takes a moment to appear to

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