Forbidden Fire (Forbidden #2)

Read Online Forbidden Fire (Forbidden #2) by Kimberly Kinrade - Free Book Online

Book: Forbidden Fire (Forbidden #2) by Kimberly Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Kinrade
voice to be heard above the rumbling. "Can anyone use their para-powers?"
    A chorus of "No's" started around the room.
    Luke tried again. "Raise your hand if you can use your para-power."
    Everyone looked around. No one raised their hands.
    "Has this ever happened to anyone before?" Lucy asked.
    More "No's."
    Before a full-fledged panic could start, the loudspeakers crackled to life. "LUKE AND LUCY, PLEASE REPORT TO THE HEADMASTER'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY."
    Lucy's heart skipped a beat. Luke's brow furrowed in concern and he balled his fists at his side. Were they in trouble? Did the headmaster know about the meetings? Or about the failed powers?
    "Come on." Luke pulled her up, then addressed the rest of the group. "Everything will be fine. You should all go back to your rooms and pretend nothing's happened. We'll see you at the meeting on Thursday, if not sooner."
    The twins walked out of the classroom and made their way to Headmaster Higgins's office. Lucy knew they were thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same fears. Talking would be pointless.
    They sat in the plush waiting room for what seemed like hours. Lucy spun her finger in her hair, over and over. Luke stared at the wall, probably wishing he could just walk through it and into Headmaster Higgins's office without permission.
    Ms. Bradley clicked away at the computer, ignoring them—as usual.
    "How much longer do you think?" Lucy asked.
    "He should be out shortly," she said without looking up.
    Truth or Lie? Who could tell anymore? Lucy stood and paced the room while humming off-tune. Maybe she could annoy Ms. Bradley into hurrying this process along.
    She earned an evil look from the secretary, but nothing more.
    Finally, Headmaster Higgins buzzed for them to go in. Ms. Bradley stood to escort them.
    "I think we can find our own way. But thanks for being so helpful." Lucy didn't even try to keep the sarcasm from her voice.
    Luke and Lucy sat in expensive leather seats in front of the headmaster's giant mahogany desk. It defined him as much as his tailored pinstripe suits, and shiny shoes as dark as his skin. Lucy cleared her throat impatiently.
    Higgins looked up, as though he'd just noticed they were there.
    Luke's mouth gaped open in shock.
    Lucy inhaled the bitter words on her lips.
    Higgins had aged ten years since they saw him just the other day. His hollow cheeks and sagging red eyes made him look sickly.
    "Are you okay?" Lucy asked. She knew better than anyone that people never answered that question honestly. Would her powers work now?
    "No. Not really. As you've undoubtedly noticed, things are changing around here, and it's been very stressful."
    Damn, I didn't expect him to tell the truth. I need a way to see if my powers are working.
    "But that's not why I've called you in here," Higgins said. "I have an assignment for the two of you."
    Lucy's jaw dropped. "I thought assignments were on hold for a while."
    "They were, but this just came down from way higher up than me. It's important, so we need a seasoned team to take it on. You two are the best we have."
    Luke tensed his shoulders, but reached for the file Higgins dropped on the desk. He shuffled through the papers as Lucy strained to see over his shoulder.
    After a cursory skim he handed the stack to Lucy. "You want us to infiltrate a Russian lab and steal research material? Why? What's so important that this has to be done now?"
    "The why isn't your concern. Your only job is to complete the assignment and bring back the necessary information."
    Lucy looked up from the files. "Is this even a real assignment? Or are we being punished because we hung out with Sam?"
    She tried to tap her powers, but couldn't be sure they were working. Luke nudged her and brushed his hand through the desk. His powers worked. Hers should too, right?
    "You're not being punished. We need you in the field."
    Lucy frowned. If her powers were working properly, then he was telling the truth. Something didn't feel right about

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