For Richer (Vampire Assassin League Book 24)

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Book: For Richer (Vampire Assassin League Book 24) by Jackie Ivie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ivie
touched generated the most incredible warmth. As if she carried the secrets of life within her. He had never experienced such things. For a span he’d been in the place of heaven that all gods ascended to. No wonder men worshiped. Prayed. Sacrificed.
    She whispered his name, the sound soothing. Caressive. How had he ever thought her voice grating? He grunted something to show he listened. She seemed to understand.
    “That Wow.”
    He grunted again. This time to show agreement. He’d learned English from a missionary he’d befriended for no other reason than the man looked too sickly to drain. They’d worked on his enunciation until the man had grown too old and feeble to continue. Mikhal continued learning on his own. He had shelves filled with all sorts of language books. His English section contained several sets of encyclopedia, dictionaries, picture books, fiction. As each generation added vernacular, he’d studied and learned meaning. But he hadn’t known the real definition of ‘wow’ until right now.
    And she was absolutely right.
    “That was...your first time? Really?”
    Oh yes.
    He’d taken a lot of ribbing over it as a youth. He hadn’t cared. He’d been the most decorated warrior in the clan. He had the most kills. Was the most accurate with arrow or spear. He’d honed his body to weapon-firing strength and killing speed. He’d ignored any impulses of the flesh. Refused to rape any of the captured women. Passed by overtures from the easy women. And he truly hadn’t been ready to take a wife! The last thing he’d wanted was a woman with an argumentative tongue!
    He had no time for women. His clan had been at war since Mikhal reached manhood, fighting for freedom from the Incan king, Sapa Tupac Inca Yupanqui. There would be time for a wife and women after the Incans were defeated. But then a battle ended his mortal life, brought Akron into his sphere, and that killed off any desire or need for a woman.
    Until now. With her.
    “Yes,” he finally answered.
    “Oh. Double wow.”
    Wow could be doubled? That was new. He didn’t question it, however. He’d gained some insight into the vagaries of language. Making love with Becky had definitely been double wow. His groin stirred. She stiffened.
    “ Tuka teem ?” she asked, using the Mayan tongue for ‘again’.
    “Oh, yes,” he answered.
    “You know Mayan, too?”
    Her voice hadn’t been whispered. Nor was it soft. And she was stirring. The muscles in her back beneath his fingers tightened. He loosened his arms slightly.
    “Yes,” he answered.
    “I had a lot of time. And I did not sit on my ass knotting strings, just as you said.”
    “Very funny. Ha. Ha.”
    She pushed against him. He let her go. Her move separated them, but she didn’t go farther. She sat atop him and regarded him. And she had such beautiful breasts! They were right in his line of sight. He forced his gaze to hers. Tried for stoicism. It didn’t work. A tremor ran his frame. The sound of his pulse was loud in each ear.
    “This is the weirdest dream I’ve ever had,” she told him. “Although I am not complaining. Trust me.”
    “You are not dreaming, Yaan. ”
    “You probably shouldn’t call me that.”
    “But it is true.”
    “We just met. Nobody falls in love that quickly. But hey. It’s my dream. I guess I can add that in if I want. You say you love me? Well...why not?”
    He grinned. Her heart ticked up beat. His glance dropped to her bared breasts. He immediately jerked his gaze back to hers. Tried not to look chagrinned.
    “You’ve never seen a woman before either, have you?”
    “Well. Uh.” He was flushed again. He felt it entering his cheeks.
    “You are really darling, Mikhal. You know that?”
    “Yep. Darling. And gorgeous. And built. I mean...majorly built.”
    Her eyebrows rose and fell several times. That move was confusing. They hadn’t covered that in the language books. Other parts of her

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