For Life

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Book: For Life by L.E. Chamberlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.E. Chamberlin
Tags: Reclaimed Hearts
isn’t saying much since Delaware is flat as a pancake, but from this slight elevation we can see the twinkly lights of the industrial district and the surrounding neighborhoods. Snow drifts slowly down, disappearing when it hits the windshield. I leave the car running and make sure the parking brake is on before I tumble over the back of the driver’s seat into the back. “Come on,” I invite her, and she climbs over without hesitation, crashing into me with a giggle.
    I tug the zipper of her jacket and she takes the hint, stripping it efficiently away from her body and tossing it over the back of the seat. She’s wearing something tight and black, I see, which is so unlike her that I stop to admire it. The top is low-cut, and I can see the soft swells of her tits. The pants are nothing more than leggings, not jeans like I thought. She crawls on top of me and I kiss her and knead her ass through the thin fabric. I can’t feel a panty line, and I wonder if she’s wearing underwear. The thought excites me, and I rub against her, trying to get some relief. She’s soft and eagerly moving against me, which makes me even hornier.
    She sighs and murmurs against my mouth, “I have something for you.”
    Her words bring me out of my haze. “I do too.” I tell her. “It’s in the glove compartment.”
    “It’s something I can unwrap now?” she asks, her face lighting up.
    I nod and she pulls away from me, climbing halfway over the seat to reach into the glove box. I can’t help myself from squeezing her butt when it’s practically in my face, and Cassie pretends to protest but doesn’t mean it. She squeals in delight when she discovers the little box with the big red bow and plops back into the seat, cuddling against me, turning her face up for a kiss. I kiss her slow this time, the taste of her mouth familiar but still just as exciting as ever. She melts into the kiss, sweet as ever, and we’re both breathless when I force myself to break the kiss so she can open my gift.
    “Go ahead,” I tell her, and she tears eagerly at the silver patterned wrap, her fingers revealing the jeweler’s box in seconds. When she realizes where the gift is from, she looks up at me in surprise. “Open it,” I urge, and with shaking hands she pulls the lid from the box to reveal the necklace I knew I had to buy her when I saw it in the store window, even though it meant dipping into my car fund to afford it.
    Cassie holds it up, and the tiny speck of a diamond between the entwined gold hearts glints in the moonlight. “It’s beautiful,” she marvels, fingering the delicate chain. “It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” She pulls my face to hers and thanks me tenderly, first with words and then with a long, passionate kiss as I hook the necklace.
    “I got you something, too,” she whispers with a sly smile.
    “You did?” I always think Valentine’s Day is a holiday for the girls, not for the guys. But I’ve never had a serious girlfriend on Valentine’s Day, so what do I know?
    "You have to unwrap it,” she instructs me, sliding my hands under the bottom of her shirt. I don’t quite get her meaning until she looks at me expectantly, and I realize she wants me to take her shirt off.
    This I can do.
    I slip my hands under her shirt, copping a feel of her soft skin, eager to be close to her like this. Lately we’ve been nearly naked together every chance we get, but we haven’t done it yet. I want to - God, I really want to - but Cassie is a virgin so I want to take it slow and make our first time really special. But it’s hard when she’s whispering my name, arching herself into me as I strip her tight shirt from her body.
    Then I see it. Cassie’s wearing a new bra, a sexy red one that makes her look like a girl from the Victoria’s Secret catalog. Her pale skin shows through the lace, and it’s cut low enough that I can tug it down just a little and expose her nipple. Which I do, my eyes never leaving

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