For Life

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Book: For Life by L.E. Chamberlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.E. Chamberlin
Tags: Reclaimed Hearts
been around him since you guys split up.”
    “Not really, no.”
    “He looks at that wall every time he passes it,” she says, looking at me as if that’s supposed to be a meaningful piece of information.
    “If anything, he’s probably looking at his parents,” I scoff. “Why would he be looking at our picture?”
    “Oh, Cassie,” she sighs. “Do you really not know, or is this one of those things where you know but you’re pretending not to because you don’t want to face it?”
    “I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about,” I answer truthfully. “And you’re starting to freak me out. What in the hell do you mean?”
    When she takes my hand her eyes are shimmering with something that looks a little bit like hope. “Hon, we all know it. I can’t believe you’re really that clueless. Grady’s still in love with you.”

February 1996
    All week I begged and bribed my brother to let me borrow his car so I could take Cassie somewhere special to give her the gift I bought her for Valentine’s Day. All week he said he’d think about it, and I just knew the answer was going to be no. I was positive I’d have to take my mom’s station wagon instead of Carl’s Camaro, and it was killing me. The station wagon is roomy, which helps when I want to take Cassie somewhere quiet and make out, but it always makes me feel like a kid, which isn’t what I’m going for tonight.
    Today it’s snowing, and I thought for sure Carl wouldn’t let me take his baby on the road in this weather, but he must be feeling generous, because he drops the keys in my hand with a wink and says, “Go get your girl. Have fun tonight.” For a second I think he’s kidding until he tells me it’s going to need gas, especially if I have to leave it idling and run the heater. He laughs at my red face and slaps my shoulder affectionately. Best brother in the world.
    I knock on her door and there she is, my girl, even more beautiful than ever. She pulls on her coat and is barely out the door before I grab her and kiss her, long and deep and slow. I haven’t seen her much this week and it’s been killing me. When she wraps her arms around me I want to squeeze her and never let her go. “Mmm, you smell good,” I breathe into her hair.
    She laughs softly and whispers, “Get me out of here.” Hand in hand we run to the car, and as I open the door to let her in she realizes what I’m driving tonight. “Oh my God!” she squeals. “How did you get him to let you drive his car? He never lets anybody drive it!”
    “I know. He’s in a good mood, I guess.” She slides in and I close the door carefully behind her.
    “So I guess his breakup with Chrissy isn’t bothering him that much, huh?” she asks as I slip behind the wheel and put the car in reverse to back out of her driveway.
    I shrug. “It’s weird. He hasn’t really mentioned it, so I guess not. They’re still good friends, I think. He just said they weren’t meant to be more. I think she wanted to get serious and he wasn’t into it.”
    Cassie’s dark eyes flash and she teases me, “You serious about me?”
    I grin at her and shake my head. “Nah, not really.”
    She giggles and slides her hand over my knee, halfway up my thigh, and I have to cover it with my own to keep her from going any higher. “How about now?” she coos.
    “Cass, come on. You’re gonna make me crash,” I groan.
    I’m answered with a tinkly laugh and her lips tickle my ear. “Where are we going?” she whispers. Her hand hasn’t stopped squeezing my leg and I want nothing more than to pull this car over and pin her to the seat.
    “Surprise.” I manage to keep us on the road as I turn into Danville Park, which is secluded and rarely patrolled by local cops. I’m hoping we’ll have enough time for me to give her the gift and spend some time making out uninterrupted.
    We park on the edge of the bluff. Danville Park is at the highest peak in the county, which

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