For Honor’s Sake

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Book: For Honor’s Sake by Connie Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Mason
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east by now but I can see she chose to ignore my advice. How long has she been working for Marty? Has she gone through the money I left her already?”
    “Since you left. And she hasn’t touched a cent of that money.”
    Rod cursed. “
Por Dios
! Is she still bent on finding her missing father?”
    “Yes, but so far not one clue has turned up.” Mae paused, gazing at Rod thoughtfully. “Why are you here, Rod? You aren’t doing Julie any good by complicating her life. What about the annulment?”
    “Mae, I don’t mean Julie any harm. I’m only thinking of her welfare. I … I couldn’t return home until I know she is safely on her way back east where she belongs.”
    “Are you certain that is your only reason returning?” Mae probed relentlessly.
    “What other—” Rod was never to finish his sentence.
    At that precise moment Wong Li staggered through the door, dazed and bleeding profusely from a gash on his head.
Madre de Dios
!” exclaimed Rod. “Who is this man?”
    “Wong Li, Marty’s hired man,” Mae said, rushing forward to help the wounded man. “What happened, Wong Li? Where is Julie?”
    “Missy gone!” wailed Wong Li in a sing-song voice. “Missy gone.”
    “Gone?” sputtered Rod, fear and anguish a hard knot inside his chest. “Gone where?”
    “Don’t know,” moaned the Chinaman. “Don’tknow where missy go.”
    Rod wanted to grab the little man and shake him until he made sense. Only Mae’s restraining hand prevented him from doing so. “That won’t help, Rod,” she cautioned softly. “Let me try.” Dully, Rod nodded.
    “Wong Li,” Mae began gently, “start from the beginning. Tell us what happened.”
    “Missy gone,” Wong Li repeated until Rod wanted to scream with frustration. “Wong Li walk missy home like always, only this time not the same. Man hit Wong Li from behind, wake up, find missy gone. Boss lady much angry with Wong Li when she find out.
Aiiee, aiiee
!” he wailed, shaking his head from side to side.
    “You did your best Wong Li,” Mae consoled. “Do you have any idea who hit you?”
    “No see. Wong Li see no one. Wong Li hit from behind.”
    “Have you any idea who could have done this?” cut in Rod, unable to hold his tongue a moment longer.
    “Everyone love Missy Julie,” said Wong Li. “Who wish to do her harm?”
    “I don’t know,” Rod said, gritting his teeth. “But I certainly intend to find out.” Mae watched him storm out, suddenly very sorry for the person or persons responsible for the abduction of Julie Darcy Delgado.
    The first person Rod questioned was Marty Sloan who was just leaving her messhall. When informed of what had transpired she nearly went wild with rage. “Who would want to harm that sweet little gal?” Marty fumed. “I’ll tear the bastard limb from limb when I find him.”
    “You’ll have to beat me to it, Marty,” Rod grimly informed her, “for I intend to be there first. Think, Marty, please. Can’t you think of anyone who would abduct Julie or wish her harm?”
    “Hell’s fire, Rod, there’s no one who—” Suddenly Marty went still, her eyes hard as marbles as an incidentthat took place days ago flashed before her eyes. “Why that ugly bastard!” she spat, eyes blazing, startling Rod.
    “Who, Marty?” Rod demanded to know. “Tell me his name!”
    “Brute Kelly, that’s who,” she bristled. “I chased him out of here a couple of weeks ago when I caught him pestering Julie. I thought I’d seen the last of that son-of-a-bitch.”
    “Brute Kelly,
Madre de Dios,
” said Rod softly. Fear, stark and vivid, glittered in his eyes. Abruptly he wheeled, heading for the door.
    “Rodrigo, wait for me!” Marty called out to his departing back.
    “I can’t wait, Marty. I have to find Julie before it’s too late. Go over to Mae’s and tell her I won’t return until I find my wife.” Cursing loudly Marty had no choice but to do as she was told.
    Following Julie’s route home proved

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